Reccomended GDC Talks

Quite often I watch GDC (game developer’s conference) talks. They’re often very interesting and informative, covering various points of game development, from marketing through artistic design all the way to in-depth analysis of shader systems.

I thought I’d make a thread outlining which ones I’ve watched/would recommend watching.

How does a small team model an open-world city? Really really clever level editing tools. Seriously good ideas for tile-bases systems:

Some nice tricks on water surfaces and 2d volumetrics. Also covers anti-banding using blue noise. Very technical. I would love to understand more

Talks about the development of art over the course of a project:

More art, this time focus is on, well, artistic techniques such as contrast and detail:

Some innovative screen-space pathfinding. Some stuff on overall design, art and level creation.

Why level designers understand interior design. Really interesting talk:

More will come as I watch them…

These are really neat, there are definitely some points to take away from them! Might even be helpful for the next BGMC :smiley:

That moment when you already know all of them :smiley: gdc is awesome, I want to go there some day.