Record Game Physics in Blender2Crystal?

I don’t know how many people here are using Blender2Crystal, but I have been trying to figure out if there is a way to record game physics from something created with B2C similar to the way you can natively in Blender?

I asked about this on the Crystal Space Forum, but didn’t get any replies so if anyone here knows it would be much appreciated.

Hey good question!

Actually, i would like to know if someone was able to use Blender to Cristal. (Original developers don’t count).
I found impossible to set up that variable thingie for windows.

I think Blender to Cristal is aimed to coders, not mortals.:o

I have only played with it a little, obviously it helps to have a solid working knowledge of Crystal Space (I don’t).

“I have only played with it a little”

Really? Did you setup it for windows or Linux? :eyebrowlift2:

Do you know how to set up a new variable inside windows?

The informations under Blender to Cristal’s website were very difficult to follow up…


I set it up for Windows without any problems, the documentation I read was pretty easy to follow. I watched the lecture on B2C from the last Blender conference, tried doing a few basic things with and it seems very straight forward, but as I said I am hampered by the fact I don’t really know Crystal Space.

Hola amigo, can you tell me where to download this lecture?

You can grab a torrent of the video from

Thanks, got the video, got Crystal2blend and the examples running. As you said it works straight now (well, it did not quite do that a couple of weeks ago). Concerning the threadstarting question i think this is unlikely to be easy. As you already asked in the Crystalspace forum and Jorrit has no answer, hmm, i guess you are out of luck.

Update: I think jorrit simply did not have the time to answer. As Blender2crystal supports IPO animation pretty straightforward (even with fancy particles) it should be very feasible. Look at the door and particle examples and their IPO’s. As i see it now, this is as simple as baking physics and pressing Ctrl-R to run. To bake the physics:
set up the simulation you want, then in the game menu up the top, find the “record game physics to IPO” option, turn it on then run the simulation §.

Man, you are lucky that works like a charm. I adapted Erwins baking demo to CS. What i did was:

  1. Loading the CS doordemo
  2. Delete everything except the camera and the playerentity (the little cube)
  3. Append everything except the camera from Erwins demo
  4. save it
  5. Press Ctrl-R in 3D-Window
  6. There you go :slight_smile:

and the adapted blend:

Thank you so much 3D Penguin, this is great. I am not working today, but I’ll download the .blend and try this out myself on Monday. Glad to hear you got B2C working.

You could also try ‘add physics’ system and setting all the physics objects to dynamics: true (the floor and ramp having static: true set also as they don’t move).