Hey all, I have a little question for you. Ok, so my sister has an old tape, like you all remember those cassettes right? Well, she is worried about it getting old, or damaged and lossing those old songs, (which we can’t find anywhere else), so I thought, maybe I could use the computer to burn it to a CD, I was just using headphones out and plugging it into the mic jack, but, whenever I tried to record, if it picked it up at all it was very poor and choppy, does anyone know a good program, or a good methiod for getting the music off of there? Because I simply can not think of anything.
A yes… I remember doing this for those big black vinyl disc thingies.
If i recollect you need a system to play it on that has “output” jacks… . Then get a plug so you can connect them to the audio input of your soundcard… Its generally a two banana plug to one small stereo jack that goes into sound card.
Then use a program like audacity to record it using the line in as input rather than the mike. With the lp’s it let me record them at 45 and play at 33. If i recollect it may have some filters to remove dolby hiss.
Hmm, I’ve done this without trouble simply by connecting headphones to mic. If you could give us some more details about your system it might help.
I recommend Audacity for recording, incidentally. Among other things it has a feature which lets you hear what is being recorded, useful to know if it’s working properly.