Red Mist (no - nothing to do with the weather)

I recently saw a partial documentary on the BBC channel with the title as per the thread. Basically, and this is my pragmatic view so feel to correct me, “red mist” is also tunnel vision syndrome when someone desparately wants a goal, and all hazards/opportunities on the side is ignored or the brain simply won’t process this information.
Among many examples, there was one where cops in pursuit vehicles would tend to focus on the suspect with little regard of innocent folks being endangered.
In blender too, I suffer from red mist. I would work on a project throwing lots of time and effort when I know there is any easier way ie follow the instructions. Ofcourse sometimes I have a hunch that what I am incorrectly trying to do, will work, for example using materials to get a near perfect facial texture, when I should be using using the uv-unwrapping. And there is nothing so grand as when I have a spare couple of hours and I wander into the library, and randomly pick a 3d graphics book which gives you the answer straight-up.
Apart from blender, there is another another scenario I’d like to impress upon you where red mist exists. Sometimes your supervisor would have absolute conviction on a not so useful idea and would refuse to budge, at those discretion is often the best course of action . . . so to paraphase a well known term “go with the flow”. I mean, your supervisor will eventually decide if you get a pay rise, or none at all. Or maybe the business isn’t making enough, and any excuse they have, they will use. Or maybe they are right! Something to ponder upon. I hope I haven’t given you red mist with my post. Have a great day!