Reflect - Abstract - New Here

Made in blender with some editing in photoshop. Please give comments and cretique. My first final here at elysiun. :stuck_out_tongue:

. : n e x : .

Hi There,

I really really think that is one of
the most arty things I have ever seen
done in Blender.

It is excellent. Very excellent.


really nice, reminds me of the designs at

Cool, looks kinda cool to. Seems to be some kind of shattered diamonds. Really cool-looking!

Very nice!

Only thing I would change is maybe applying Sub-Surf to it and smooth it. That is all.

Keep up the good work.


wicked, very nice.

So how did you made this? how much is photoshop and how much blender? I think you could use this way of working for making a very nice diamond.

keep it up


Looks great. Reminds me of Decent, the green Robots with the claws.

its about 80% blender 20% photoshop. I rendered the image orinanaly with a black background, but after an inversion in photoshop, that looked better. I then blended the image, coloured it, and added the logo thingy and a ‘signiture’. Thanks for the comments so far, I hope to show more soon.

. : n e x : .