Reflection on a knife

Although many people use Blender for ‘cartoons’, I plan on using it with live footage. Here’s my question.
I want to have an actor throw a knife in slow motion. The knife will of course be 3d. But I can’t get reflection of the actual scene on the knife. all I keep getting is that blue screen on it.
So how could I add reflection of my filming location on the blade of the knife. Thanks

if you want ot ahve reflection in whatever object you need others objects around to reflect on your object

so may this is normal !

can you show pic of what your doing !


I can’t show a pic. Sorry.
So what you mean is that all I have to do is take a picture of my filming location, place around the knife and it will reflect? That sounds easy, but I’ve been trying to get a picture in that program for a while now and I still can’t. Do you know a good tutorial about this? Thanks for the reply

aobject around will create a reflection on the mirror surface of the kniw
but you hae to se the mirror effect in blender to achieve this effect

and there are so many technics avaialbe for texturings ect

here some wiki opage that may helo you


Since you just told me how to add images, I added a picture I had on a plane, then I put it around it and it reflected. Thanks

You can have a texture for the “world” horizon… not sure if this is what you want, but it may help…

Here’s the setup:

And result:

Take a panoramic shot of the area around your actor and his knife. Then apply it as an HDRi environment, which can only be rendered in YafRay and Indigo. And I wouldn’t render in Indigo, so here is how you do it in YafRay: Yafray HDRI tutorial
If you wish to render in Blender, then you will actually have to make the reflected objects in 3D and enable Ray mirror in the knife material.

Not sure if this helps much, but I hope it does.