Hello, I am trying to utilize the EnvMap texture as a means of reflecting halo particles. I was able to generate this reflection by following the tutorial here: davidjarvis.ca/dave/blender/tutorial-03.shtml but my problem is that the image it produces is too perfect. I need the reflection to appear dimmer in order to be more realistic, such as in the following image:
I am relatively new at Blender, so I may very well be overlooking a simple solution. I appreciate any help that can be provided!
first of all - that’s so cool to see somone still using env-maps… makes me tear with nostalgia. As for youre question: If by Dimmer you mean blured than increase the filter value in the texture window. If you mean for the object to be less reflective than bring down the col value in the texture tab in the material window. if you want the envmap to be darker bring down the brightness vlaue in the color tab in the texture window.
Thank you for the help! That was just the information I was looking for.
By what you wrote in your first sentence, is there an easier means of reflecting halos? Or is it just that the use of env-maps have, for the most part, been outdated?
I am still having some problems with this method. I do not exactly understand how to position and angle an Empty to get a physically correct reflection. For example, what would I do for a plane that is facing the camera?
The use of env-maps have, for the most part, been outdated… If you want halos, Envmaps is afaik the only way.
as for the other queston - I dunno. I think somone programed a feature that helps u do plane reflection without all of that ‘empty’ stuff - but I can’t find it.