Is there some what that I can refresh my thread so it will show up as a new thread. so i dont have to post a new one. because mine is an on going project with another member??
Like edit post? You can edit your own post, you know.
i know how to edit it . i just want to refresh it so it goes to the front of the forum cause ive updated it
You can only do that by posting a new message.
But why is that important?
Threads aren’t deleted, unless they REALLY cause trouble. So you can just let it slip down the pages, but you can still view it.
if it’s a big update that deserves some attention, by all means, post a new post so that it jumps to the top!
well yes i could let it slip down the pages but lets face it . no one looks that far or ever checkes for updates unless they subscribe
Just post a new post inside the same thread,
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