
Will someone help me out here, I have scrolled up and down the forum index and can’t find any register or sign up or nothing.
I have looked at faq and it hasn’t updated since the forum was installed.
Could someone tell me where the button is or have you stopped ppl from registering?

found it, tip: uptade the faq
tip2: put a register button on the forum index.

Anyway, now we can get started!

Look, could the admin PLEASE make the original subsilver theme available or tell me where I can edit my profile, I, I just can’t cope!!!

Yeah, I think it would be a good idea to put the registration and profile links on the forum pages, too… Could eliminate a bit of confusion.

prophetneil: you can edit your profile via a link on the home page:

I really don’t think that’s gonna happen.


hah subsilver theme,… no way!

Forum register link,… perhaps if someone else can do it (which I doubt) I myself just can’t free up time for these things since the list is endless!

I can definitely sympathise :slight_smile: I hope I didn’t sound too demanding!

thanks for that. Yes I know subsilver is ugly, but it is very functional. I like the style here and all but… well… It isn’t too accessible. now I have everything sorted, it should be Ok though. thanks again!