Hi guys, not familiar with advanced tools in blender.
So I have this geometry, I moved the base line to Z 0, but now some part of the mesh is not smooth or relaxed anymore.
Is there a way where I can relax/smooth the rest without affecting the line at Z 0 ?
Thank you.
U could try sculpting, relax brush. Maybe turn vertex selection to mask, or look for the other options(dont know if there is pinning or whatelse). Also there is relax in the looptools, cant remember how that worked.
it depends on topology of the mesh but you can also try Scale Z to zero using proportional editing.
I was thinking about sculpting yes, but the mesh is too dense
the base line is already at zero, and with proportional editing that line will move
Proportiona editing then. Try edge slide. Tedious but should work. Or maybe delete faces and grid fill. That smooths out the transition. U can delete just faces and the edges, so it keeps the baseline vertices
I wanted to say to use it while you were using scale, if you can’t go back then you can temporarily hide (H) the line, that way line will not be influenced.
Yes I can go back, so what’s your suggestion ?
What I’ve already said, just a quick example:
oh ok, thanks for the video, but like that even the line that is suppose to stay where it is, will move. I’m not sure I got it
I’ve just see now your portfolio and it’s clear that you are an advanced user so pardon me if my previous posts may looks too basic.
Select the line, make active the vertex that has to be the ‘base’, use Transform Pivot Point as Active Element.
Ehehe, not super advanced no, at least not with Blender, but thanks and I’ll give it a go ! thank you
How do I make them active ? and not sure I got the last command you mentioned, sorry !
The active vertex is the latest selected, if you want to change it hold shift and the select another one:
Here the hiding (H) method instead, when you finish the modify then unhide it (alt+H):
Thank you for the videos again, but I’m having no luck…
If this tool couldn’t help you in your situation then I’d try Bridge Edge Loops. The link below is just to show you the tool (and passivestar is a guarantee):
I don’t know the precision you need in your mesh but also using Grab brush and/or Smooth brush in sculpt mode could work well as @pmeg said (Grab and Smooth don’t add further geometry to your mesh).