
ok i love the Quake series and as wondering is it illegal to remake Say Quake 2 if u make every thing in blender yourself but have he same look and levels as the real thing

Afaik, everything is legal until you try to sell it. Although I think you should try to be a little more original, and make something other than a total remake.

You can make a game “similar” to quake2 and call it something else.

depends if you try and sell it… but if you try and make it look exactly like quake… probally… but no one will care unless you try and sell it…

well i woudnt sell it and im a good maodeler and enginemaker but its hard for me to come up with truly original stuff

Find someone who has an original idea that you really like, and ask to join their team as a modeler, programmer etc.

There’s the issue of whether or not it’s legal, and there’s the issue of whether or not it’s possible. I don’t know how sophisticated Quake 2’s graphics are, but for the most part it’s not possible to perfectly replicate a commercial game with Blender, at least at this time. Bear in mind also that these games were created by teams, not by one guy, all alone, in his bedroom. However, I wish you luck if you want to try it.

It’s hard for everyone to come up with truly original stuff. It was hard for Van Gogh, it was hard for Rembrandt, im sure it was even hard for Dali. And you can bet your ass it was hard for the makers of Mario 64, or Katamari Demaci, or Quake or whatever.

Art is about that struggle, art is about stretching your mind and the mind’s of the viewers. Make something original…I urge you…It might take a few weeks of deep thought and concepting, but it will be worth it. The more original your work is, the more satisfied you’ll be.

If you cant think of anything, you could atleast take a game you enjoy, like Quake 2, and then put your own twist to it. Maybe make it have wacky weapons like shrink rays, or make it look all trippy and phychadelic, or whatever.

I think a Quake 2 remake is an excellent idea. I remember it as one of my favorite all time gaming experiences. The graphics in the original are extremily simple (it was the first game to use shadow maps and it was all the talk back then LOL!) so it should be very possible in Blender’s engine. As far as originality goes in games…it barely exists anymore.There is the occasional cool original title (like that weird roll-everything-up-into-a-ball game). Alot of DS titles are trying to be different. But mostly its just the same old shit made to look better. And what’s worse, they are mostly the same old shit part 2 or 3. But people buy it like crazy so there ya go. Anywayz, its a cool idea, everything is already laid out for ya, and it should be awesome enough to keep you going through to the finish. What I mean is, game creation is a loooooooong drawn-out process, so when you start one, if you ever want to finish it, you better either be gettn paid, or you better love it more than sex. So anyways, its a project that I would like to follow and would definitely like to play. Good luck!

Quake 2 code source is available so if anybody wanna remake it it’s not illegal.
Il will be very interesting to could import also some Map in your Quake 2 remake.

Remake quake and sell it wouldn’t be a problem unless you do not use any copyrighted work from the original (including names, labels, modells, sounds). As far as I know gameplay has no copyright.
Redoing anything that it looks exactly the same can violate labels e.g. Lara Croft model, titles or names. The tricky question is how much difference your work need that it does not fit the label and represents own work (copyright by you).

If you use any copyrighted item you are not allowed to share it within public without permission from copyright holder. That is not only selling just giving it away is not allowed.

If you able to remake Quake you should be able to create an own game.