Remeshing .fbx file via QuadRemesher 1.2 - everything is good, but mesh is kind of wavy

I am just using Blender for converting CAD .fbx files into Quads, so I am not familiar with modeling in Blender.
Now I have a problem with a wavy surface after remeshing into Quads with QuadRemesher 1.2 and I am wondering if it is possible to smooth out the remeshed surface.
As this is difficult to explain, I have attached a link to a short private YouTube Video 1:23min in hope you understand what my problem is.

thank you for investing your time in my question.
have a nice day.

You might have better results exporting the file from Moi3d which has very nice quad output.
or by using the quad remesher in Rhino. Either of these programs might give you additional options for exporting the mesh.

If you don’t have Moi3D or Rhino, and you have another 3D CAD modeling app that allows you to split the nurbs surfaces before you export, you may be able to do this and then import into the QuadRemesher in Blender with a better result.

Its possible that Moid3d or Rhino quad mesh could have similar problems as you show but it would be difficult to determine without the CAD file.
If the problem persists, then splitting the surfaces might improve the results.

Are you able to share the CAD file?

Maybe under Object Data Properties → Normals: Clear Custom Split Normals Data …?

Just catching a glipse of the original mesh you imported it looked as if the export Triangulated the mesh…You might be able to just select it and in edit mode, Face > Tri to Quads…and keep the smoothness that way…

Thank you,
I have tried this earlier, and the problem is that I will loos all information about the applied materials and Tris to quads lstill leave me with too many Tris.
When QuadRemesher runs over the model after Tris to quads is the result not useable anymore.
Again thank you

unfortunately there is no Custom Split Normals Data applied.
Thank you

I had a look at Moi3D and it leave me still with a bunch of tris.
Thank you

Meshed CAD model is quite lowpoly - try again with the model that is 4-5x polycount of what you have now.

Thank you for the tip. This works excellent on the mesh. It’s perfect with the mesh
But I still have the problem with the wavy surface.
As I have watched a lot of YT videos, it seems to be a problem of the Normal and the Orientation.
The Addon Mesh Machine seem to be able to correct this issue, but I struggle handling this.

Does anyone knows about how to get a smooth and not wavy surface?
Is it somehow possible to rebuild the Normals or the Orientation?
Or is it better to retopo everything by “hand”.
Somehow there must be a way but I just can’t find it.
Thanks for the help

Try using Weighted Normals modifier (default setting should be good) - if this is vertex normal issue then this should help.

Your normals simply cant magically becomes “wavy”.
I bet you still didnt import mesh what are dense enougth to retopo it with settings which you use in quad remesher.

Thank you, but nor really much happens after applying the vertex weight modifier.
Thank your for your help

Hi out there.
I got this answer from the developer from QuadRemesher, which is nice.
But I struggle a bit with the Data Transfer modifier.
May someone can help me out hier a little bit.
Thank you.

This is the answer from QuadResher.

It’s an interesting issue.
It looks like it’s a problem of “normals” !

I assume that the FBX file contains points position + normals.
(CAD models are often rendered with a perfect lighting because they
contains perfect normals.)

But your input mesh has longer triangles than the quad in the output mesh.
So, even if the output mesh points are perfectly on the input mesh
surface, you will get this wavy mesh in term of point position.
QR does not understand that it should be a perfectly circular shape, it
just places output mesh points on the input mesh surface.

You get wavy look because the normals on the output mesh are computed
from output mesh points position.

1 - the first solution would be for me to compute the good normals in
QR: I plan to do that but it will not be available soon.

2 - You should look for “Normal transfer” tools in Blender (or Data
transfer). so that you can transfer the normals from your original mesh
to the retopo mesh.

As initially pointed by @veti , this problems arise when you remesh low poly objects.Here is a simplified and exaggerated explanation (and possible solution):

When you retopo a lowres mesh the program remeshes the low poly details, preserving the planar characteristics, any operation on normals only affects corners.

The main solution is: Make a high density export from your CAD program.

Possible (Cheating) solution: In Edit Model Select the affected vertices and apply Smooth Vertices, tweaking Smoothnes and Iterations to minimize shrinking. If you are looking for appearance and not for accuracy this could work.

Hope it Helps.

This helps. :+1:
Sorry for my unknowing as I come from CAD and had until now no clue about normals, high poly, low poly ect…
And this post makes my day. It works.
A nice and smooth surface.

Thanks to everyone involved for lighten up my life.
I definetly have to work myself into Blender to combine CAD and Blender.
have a great day