Remington model 1861 Revolver (Image heavy)

Hello fellow blender-mates:D

Ok, so if you have followed any of my work in the past then you may know by now that I have a habbit for modeling guns.
One thing that has kept me back in the past is the knowledge I had wanted to make more detailed models, in this newest project my aim is to go for realistic and detailed.

I only started this yesterday and so not too much has been modelled.

I have tried to keep each part as close to the real thing as possibly, possible within my ability.
The one thing that always baffled me was how to create holes in a mesh without creating tons of triangles and rubbish tropology. Luckily with a bit of experimenting I have now uncovered the tricks of the trade :RocknRoll:
To put that into more detail I can tell you that I actually have NO triangles in any of the meshes, ownage! Hence why they are subsurfed with no dodgy pinching.

I will post wires in up and coming updates when I have more to show.

Hope you follow this thread and I musnt forget to say Happy New Year!

interesting start - proportions seem off, but early render and perspective could explain.

I for one will be very interested in your approach to modeling objects with holes, these few pieces look good.


Hello there, :slight_smile:

Yes, you are right about the proportions, this would be due to me trying to make it easier for me to see what I’m doing. Once it comes to putting everything together then I will scale everything to the right size.

As for the holes I took the liberty of quickly putting a mini tut together.
You are probably thinking… what the hell is this!? Basicly when you come to a stage or part of the mesh that has a triangle close to an edge, or that is surrounded by other triangles, all you need to do is select one edge of the triangle and subdivide it once. This turns it into a quad but converts it from a triangle to quad without changing it’s shape.

Another tip that may help is that I always use an 8 sided circle when creating holes, I create a flat representation of my model and place the circles within the flat mesh, once everything is connected, I just extrude the mesh outwards by selecting the parts I want to be 3D.

When creating my flat mesh I just create a plain and then delete all but one side, then I just extrude the vertice over and over again, going round the definition of the image that I’m building off.

Another tip which is far more obvious but is one of the best is to just plan ahead… when I create the mesh I count the amount of vertices I’m creating and then when it comes round to creating the rest of the mesh, I know how many vertices/vertexes to create meaning I will end up with quads.

If it really comes down to triangles then remember this. 1 or 2 triangles arent going to affect a mesh, it’s only when you have large quantities of them that it becomes problematic.

I hope I have explained this well, If it was of any help then I’m glad :slight_smile:

Ok so I did a little work quickly as I had some free time.
I made the handle wood complete with the screw.
Made the very strange looking barrel including barrel grooves on the inside.
(all parts are single meshes)
I also promised a wireframe…
I had to make a whole load of subdivides for the barrel so that I could create the holes in the mesh and for the grooves… was a little annoying but nevermind.

Cya soon


Another update:

Made the barrel lock thingy (not sure what it is called)
also tweaked the grooves in the barrel so they blend into the end of the muzzel. (also reduced the poly count for it)


That looks really good, and I think it will turn out nicely. I honestly can’t come up with any crits! Good luck!

That looks really good, and I think it will turn out nicely. I honestly can’t come up with any crits! Good luck!

Thanks, thats very kind of you :slight_smile:

Ok so I did a lil more work on some of the parts I have already made.
Rendered in Octane:
Added more detail to the handle frame, including the hammer retention spring…

Created two variations for the handle 9Gives me options)

Also added an extra hammer pin to the side-body…

Slowly getting there :wink:
Anyway thats all for now!
Peace out

Isn’t it a bit early to be giving us external renders with DoF? At this stage, shouldn’t you let us see the whole thing clearly so we can comment on different parts of the model?
Looking good, can’t wait to see it finished.

Helloooo :slight_smile:

Ok so I spent all day today trying to model the main frame, Id guess that I deleted and restarted atleast 5 times!
(This part is a real pain in the butt to model)
I’m still not totally happy with it yet but atleast I’m getting there slowly, another plus is that it is entirely made of quads and is a single mesh.

(I will add the holes later)

Any thoughts? Look alright? Suggest anything?

Also I was wondering if anyone had any tips to make the back part more round? It looks a little long at the moment.

Peace all, thx for comments and following the thread.

Another quick update:

I have been making all these parts without actually seeing weather they fit together, I used multiple reference images…

So just as a quick mock-up to see weather the gun in general fits together turned out with this…

This is just a mock up so please remember that this is no where near finished… at all…

But atleast it shows that things are forming into… things.


sweet fov on those octane renders, gives a neat little atmosphere.

good work on the gat can’t wait to see it when your done, nice attention to quality keep up the great work…

sweet fov on those octane renders, gives a neat little atmosphere.

Well thats Octane Render for you… :smiley:

good work on the gat can’t wait to see it when your done, nice attention to quality keep up the great work…

Thankyou very much for the kind comment :slight_smile:

Ok so I did some more work on it, rescaled some parts and I’m actually very suprised with the result, looks very good if you ask me.
Tell me what you think? :slight_smile:

And just to show that everything is scaled correctly, the ironsight view is perfectly matched up :smiley:

Please tell me what you think, love comments!

Cheers everyone,


Ok so today brings another update! :cool:

Here is the list of new stuff:

  1. Tweaked Octane render settings and stock materials (now looks better)
  2. Made a bullet which also has “-blender bullet-” inscripted on the bottom. (neat little touch)
  3. Added authentic model numbers and gun inscriptions with a unique font called “UniSpace”.
  4. Corrected a slight glitch on the hammer which had a random poly out of place.


  1. make the cylinder.
  2. Add extra details and complete texturing and bump mapping.

I will start with the bullet :smiley:

And the gun renders.

The inscriptions read:

Model number: Cat-4186
Unkown? BS 3 A
PN 5

Ok well feedback would be great, hope you like it :slight_smile:

Until next time…!

the lighting on the bullet is nice and cold.

Thanks, I see what you mean about it looking cold…

Here are 2 more renders (1600x1200)

And here is a quick mock of the Cylinder, the ram rod still has to be modelled.
I’m not happy with the way this cylinder looks :no:

Thats it for now…