Remove Doubles (Modeling issue)

Hi Guys:

I have few new bee level questions. So far it’s been great with this tool. But there are few questions stick in my head. Please help me out.

  1. It seems hard to collapse 2 Verices, I’ve tried to scale them down for few times, (Scale the vertices down is also kind of hard to do, since you can’t punch in a number.)
    hit “w”, and “Remove Doubles”, it works, But it seems not a easy operation.

  2. It’s great that you could click “view move” to move around with the middle mouse button, is there a way to save this as a default? Or that I could load my own customise user interface? It’s hard you have to do a bunch changes every time you launch this application.

  3. Is there a way that I could look around the center of an object in perspective view? It seems it is turning around the center of the world.



  1. there’s a button called Rem Doubles in the Buttons Window. Change the value on the button below it to a higher number. This makes the weld command work on verts that are further apart.

  2. in your default new scene change change your viewmove settings and then press CTRL + U KEY to SAVE USER DEFAULTS. Now everytime you open Blender it will remember you settings.

  3. not sure about that.


  1. :smiley:
  2. :smiley:
  3. :frowning:
  1. Removing doubles is much easier if you turn on (Grab)Scale (Info window). This allows simply scaling to 0.000.

  2. already answered

  3. Blender does more than one would think of.

You can make every object center of the world by selecting it and hitting the Dot-Key ? on the NumPad (I’ve a German keyboard so there is a comma; the one below the 3-key ).

You can make every object a camera with [Ctrl]+0 (NumPad).
to go back to the default camera [Alt]+0 (NumPad).

If you scale with CTRL pressed you scale in 0.1 steps so it is very easy to go exactly to 0 -> hence coincidence.

Other trick:

Select vertex 1
Select vertex 2

Then hit rem doubles.

I do believe that blender rotates around the point which is in the middle of the screen. If you center your object in the view…


I do believe that blender rotates around the point which is in the middle of the screen. If you center your object in the view…

Haven’t tried this, but should work:
Select object

Sure you can!
Select the vertex you want to move and press N
Also works out of edit mode to move/rotate/scale objects