Removing edge loops problem

I want to reduce the amount of edge loops on this model by half before I grid fill the top. I feel like there is a way to do it without meticulously shift selecting every other edge.

I did merge by distance, then went to face > tris to quads, but it created diagonal lines

How can I reduce the amount of edge loops whilst maintaining the shape and line orientation like the first image?

I also tried decimate, with planar being the only one that does not turn it into triangles, however it gives a weird result.

I don’t know if there’s a better way or not, but I’ve had luck with going into Edge Mode, selecting the entire thing, deselecting the top and bottom edges, so only the vertical edges are selected, then going to checker deselect. At this point half the vertical edges should be selected and I hit delete, disolve edges.

It’s a few clicks, but faster than selecting every other edge, I think.



Remesh, extract top and solidify again.

  1. First, select the vertical edge.

  2. When Checker Deselect is selected, half the edges are selected.
    (You can delete the selected half.Disolve Edges)


Ctrl + Alt + Select

Make sure you’re in edge select mode and then use checker deselect.


Hahaha … this is a bombardement of checker deselect :rofl: … my idea too when i read the post :joy_cat: