Removing IK after animation

Hi. I animated a character with an IK setup, and now that I’ve keyframed the animation (including visual) I want to remove the IK rig and IK control bones, but no matter what I do removing the IK even after keyframing everything results in some weird twitching.

Is there a surefire way to keyframe an animation and then remove the IK constraints without messing anything up?

if you have rigify addon enabled there is an option to snap FK to IK. However it requires a compatible rig with the rigify. I’m not sure if it works only on 1 frame or on the whole animation but you can do it every keyframe and it should be fine.
once all the FK bones are animated correctly you can remove the IK bones.

The better question here is why are you deleting bones and constraints?

The better question here is why are you deleting bones and constraints?

Because if you don’t at least disable constraints, all those visual FKs will be still be interpreted as starting angles for your IKs, changing your animation? Not to mention all the other constraints that will get double dipped, things like copy rotation (offset) constraints, which will be both written to visual keys and applied as constraints.

Or have I been doing this wrong myself?

(Although I agree, no need to delete bones. although Vissova didn’t mention that.)

@ Vissova : Hard to say without knowing more. In your shoes, I’d repeat a test with just the IK targets animated then baked to visuals. If you want to link a .blend, I guess I’d take a look at it.

The better question here is why are you deleting bones and constraints?

I’m creating an animation for a game engine, so I have to remove all IK bones and constraints after animating. The IK constraints only serve as helpers for animating. They’re not meant to be permanent.

I’ve never used Rigify. Is there a tutorial that can help? I’m specifically trying to keyframe movements with an IK rig, then remove the IK constraints without it affecting the animation at all.

You can bake your animations into your Deform bones.

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Yeah that’s what I’m doing. I’m baking the animation after animating with IK, but then even though it’s all keyframed it gets weird and twitchy after removing IK.

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I just figure it out. First, you have to bake the animation in graph editor > key > Sample Keyframes.
Then export as fbx file with apply transform. Open a new blender and import the last exported fbx in. Now you can delete your IK bone and your animation is working as you already animated without IK bone.