Im trying to rename multiple objects at the same time but i cant it only changes the name of the active object. I also tried to use the same modifier on multiple objects but can only set it on a one by one basis is there a way to do this to a group or selection to save time on these tasks? any ideas? thanks a lot!
You can only rename one object at a time. You can copy attributes from on object to multiple objects at one using Ctrl+C (blender 2.49b). The last object selected, the active object, is the object being copied from. There is an addon for blender 2.5 which does the same function.
The Ctrl+C add-on works very well!
The multiple renaming would be a great tool too… IMHO
Thank you very much for your help Richard.
Check your scripts panel – I have one called “Batch object name edit” under the Objects submenu. It came with my blender install, so I assume it’s there by default.
Thank you. I tried that on blender 2.49 and it works great i found it on the 3d view object menu scripts submenu. But, my issue is that im using 2.55b. I just tried to copy/paste the .py file into the right folders but it did not work, i tried to run it manually, did not work either. So i assume the coding is just different for it to work on this version of blender. Im not a programmer so im leaving it to someone who knows the job. Guess it is not that hard to adapt the old code to turn it into an addon.