Render - camera size, percent rendered and render button missing

I opened an a file in 2.8 that I have all made up and tried to render it but I could not because I could not find the render “tab” or drop down or what do you call it ? is missing. where did it go ? And out of burning curiosity why is it missing.?

Can not find render button
How do I set rendering resolution and percentage in blender 2.8
How do I set frame rate aspect ration in 2.8
how do I set the rendering aspect ratio in 2.8
Migrating to 2.8 has been pretty a positive experience. All my plugins that I want to use work now and I am able to keep my muscle memorized shortcuts if I want to so that is really cool.
Also where is the dimensions tab or down karet ?
Shown below a comparison 2.79 and 2.8 So in 2.79 the Rendering and DImesnions shows up but in contrast 2.8 it is gone

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I would have never guessed it was under the printer. Thank you miketeche