Render Crash

I have a large file that I trying to render, however large this forum for example is full of large renders. I can not get through a render without crashing blender. No matter what resolution, ray on or off, ambient occlusion on or off, what ever…

Can anyone help me…

see for some (42) ideas, esp. Scene idea 13 and Render idea 14. Basically keep scaling back until you get something that works, and then go from there. you are probably running out of memory.

Thanks, I just tried with all the bells and whistles off. Still crashing.

Just to add to my earlier description this is just an initial render without any material, textures, advanced lighting, UV Mapping, nothing.

But I do have more thank 2,700,000 faces (>30mb file). Is this the problem?

Same as the other thread: try to render out in several, smaller images using the X/Y Parts or Border rendering to save memory and see, if it really is a memory issue.

If it is not a memory issue - does Blender crash on other files as well?

2 700 000 faces is quiiiiiite a lot…

But do-able. I have render a scene with 3 million faces with the methods mentioned above, but I do have 1 GB of RAM. Obviously we don’t know how much memory Busterhymen has to spare…

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I have a similar problem - except not NEARLY as large stuff as Buster. My blender crashed when I had nothing in the scene except a screwed spring parented to a curve with some stars in the back, no AO or anything, and Blender crashed. I even have Blender crash sometimes when I’m not even rendering…crashed a couple times just while Blender was calculating the Screw algorithm. And plus, after Blender crashes, the rest of my computer activities are nauseatingly slow - as in, it takes 2 solid minutes just to minimize a screen.

512 MB of ram, by the way.

40 bucks will solve your issue, Mr. Sock. Perhaps you have an extra two twenties in your drawer. (i.e. hardware idea #1)

All of your crap is getting moved to a paging file (virtual memory) which is only as fast as your hard drive. I be willing to bet money that you’re running a Compaq or HP,…: with an Intel processor. Maybe even a Dell. The first 2 definitely choke under those circumstances and Dells haven’t impressed me much either. The processors can’t seem to decide which app to load back into memory first so they try to bring em all back on line and your cache chokes on the bottleneck or something to that effect.

Just to clarify, you’re hinting at buying another stick of ram, right?

Yes he was.

Actually got an AMD Athlon processor, though that’s apparently not much better.

Well 2,700,000 faces could be rendered on a comp with 512MB RAM, but I’m not saying that every mesh is unique. If you want high polycounts, go with instancing. And rendering 10 Mpix render without saving the buffers wont surely work (even if you save it, it is so huge for such a small amout of ram, because there it isn’t just 32-bit image in Blender - hope I’m right)

Hi Myn! I added some more OS settings to as per your idea in another thread. Just thought I would clarify here - I think all blender internal buffers are 32-bit; basically OpenEXR full format, since that is the max of all the output formats.