Render crashes always after about 100 frames

Full Script

I just tested with a simple animation of a rotating cube. It works.

# GPL 2 or any later version

import sys

args = sys.argv # This is the list of the arguments you have passed to it

# Let's save them for clarity

blendfile = args[1]
destination = args[2]
imageformat = args[3]
startframe = args[4]
endframe = args[5]

def getnumstr(num):
    # This function turns numbers like 1 or 20 into numbers like 0001 or 0020
    s = ""
    for i in range(4-len(str(num))):
        s = s + "0"
    return s+str(num)

def getfileoutput(num, FORMAT):
    # Function gives an output of a file. From the current frame that's rendering.
    # instead of having frame 1 and format EXR it will give you 0001.exr
    s = getnumstr(num) # Here I'm using the previously defined function
    if FORMAT == "JPEG":
        s = s + ".jpg"
        s = s + "." + FORMAT.lower()
    return s

import os # A module that can output list of files in a folder
          # And can run commands in the terminal

while True: # Spawns up a never ending loop.
    # We need a mechanism to stop the script when it's done rendering
    tostop = True

    # Checking if the file is in the folder
    for framenumber in range( int( startframe ), int( endframe )):
        imagefilename = getfileoutput( framenumber, imageformat )
        if imagefilename not in os.listdir( destination ):
            tostop = False # If at least one frame missing, we do not stop.
            # Lets render the picture
            os.system("blender -b "+blendfile+" -o "+destination+"/#### -F "+imageformat+" -f "+str(framenumber))

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