Render Daemon problems

I installed Render Daemon on my: SGI Indigo2 and o2, PC Linux, Sun Ultra 5 Solaris box.

heres the deal.
set-up A)
IRIX running broker, other OS’s running renderd. Only IRIX (other IRIX box)connects and renders.

set-up B)
Linux running Broker, other OS’s running renderd, only IRIX connects and renders.

set-up C)
Solaris running broker, other OS’s running renderd, only IRIX connects and renders.

The reason I trying to use renderdaemon, is my SGI is real good at modelling but slow at rendering. My PC sucks at modelling ( No montior or keyboard) and my Ultra also. But the PC is fast at rendering. I’m getting tired of the ol’fashion ftp sessions. If I don’t get render daemon running right then I will go to NFS set-up.

I notice renderd listens on port 5000, but broker connects on different ports each time (around the 3000s). Will this be an issue? can I set broker up to listen and connect on one port only? Am I better off compiling the source for render daemon?
Thanks in advance!!!