I have been using Blender for two years now, I’m by no means new to the program. I’ve just encountered a horrible issue with the program. I cannot render my next frame. This animation has maybe 8 frames to be rendered, the first one worked just fine, then, as soon as it began to render the second frame, everything went to shit. First, it didn’t start at all, it showed a fraction of a second in the elapsed time section and froze immediately. Then my entire computer lagged into oblivion, forcing me to manually restart it, I couldn’t even move my mouse. The worst part is, this is an issue 100% of the time when I try to render any frame that isn’t the first frame. Absolutely nothing changes in terms of settings between the first and subsequent frames, literally nothing. All that happens is that two models move along their y axises, that’s it. Hardly sounds like something that would freeze, not crash, Blender, putting it into a comatose state for three minutes before allowing me to move my mouse again, only to realise the render still isn’t starting, it’s totally stuck doing nothing. The render window opens, the program freezes, then unfreezes, then nothing happens, no rendering of any sort. I’ve literally downloaded brand new version of Blender, nothing has changed. It’s a cycles render, the settines are exactly as I always put. The first frame worked smoothly, the second one and all of the following ones freeze the whole computer and do not render.
If you’re completely clueless on what could be causing it, save a debug version of the file, and do a binary elimination until problem goes away. That is, delete half the objects and retry. If still crashes, delete the remaining half and retry. And so on. Are there any simulations that are not baked, or any dubious interations? Feel free to share the project with minimum objects remaining that still have the problem.
There are zero simulations or anything fancy. Really, this project is nothing but motion blur and objects moving with a curve constraint, that’s about it. I’ve tried everything with the curve to see if that was the issue, but nothing has changed how slowly it renders. The viewport handles it without issue, it’s the render window that has all the trouble.
If possible, please post the .blend file …
It says “new users cannot upload attachments”