I’ve found the panorama button, but it renders out the areas below and above the camera as well, is there some way to make it just render out a horizontal panorama shot?
you could do some size cropping in the compositor. take note that in ver 2.74 the cropping node leaves a black letter box without resizing the image. you need to use a file path output, or manually save the view node from the image editor. i never bothered to check if they fixed this.
as far as camera settings, i dont know, ill need to look when i get back to my pc.
The cropped render would have to match the camera, so the upper sides of the camera corrosponds with the edges in the rendered panorama. I’m trying to recreate a myst type of game, see this thread for additional details. Is there some way to do this automatically, if it can’t be done accurately there is no point in doing it at all.
If you know the vertical fov of the camera, you can calculate where exactly to crop. For example if vertica fov is 60 degrees, you must crop at 30 degrees above and below horizon level, which is at exactly 1/3 way from horizon to pole.