Render layer problem

I probably sound like the biggest idiot in the world right now, but how on earth do I render two render layers simultaneously into one video?
When I view the composite using a viewer node, I get the correct effect, but when I render it, it only renders one layer and applies the composite for only that layer. the second layer doesn’t even appear.
Yes, Do composite is checked in the post-processing tab.
Here’s another interesting observation. In the render layers tab, I noticed that when I toggle between the layers, one layer shows that it is in scene 1, and the other is in scene 2. I only have one scene, so I’m confused as to what is going on. The render layers are grouped into two separate layers in the 3d window.

Could anyone tell me what is necessary to render multiple render layers or offer some suggestions as to what I’m missing?

I’ve attached a few images so you can see what is happening with the renders. The first image is what the viewer node shows me, and the second image is what happens when I actually render the thing.
Any ideas?

Thank you!
~A panicking blender user.:eek:



to render multiple render layers, you have to have, well, multiple render layers:

one for each render layer.
combine them with mix nodes:

and it should work fine.
care to post a blend or a pic of your node setup?

hope that helps:spin:

I did that. My node setup is identical to that of Nion’s title tutorial (I’m not nearly creative enough to be bothered to do anything on my own)

In the end I cheated and found a way around the issue. I got a satisfying render result, even though the problem was still technically occurring.