Render movie file as background Blender 2.4 - see only first frame


not sure what I am doing wrong
I set up a movie file as the background for the world
and rendering when I hit render the frames show only
the first frame of the movie …

any idea what I am missing here?


so you created a movie texture for the World?

I tried that, and after enabling ‘Horizon’ under the Influence tab, and pressing ‘Match Movie Length’ under the Image tab, all seemed to work fine. Not just the 1st frame.


ok the mirror ball shows the correct reflection of the world texture movie frame
while the background shows the image from the first page.

I tried to use the composite nodes with an alpha over rendered scene alpha over movie file
and the same issue there.


the sequencer works as it should. I will do it that way in case you might know what the issue is?
Auto refresh is on for the frames since the reflections are all correct it is working.

looks to me like a possible bug

Sorry, so far no bug here.

Is the movie source set to Movie?
Are the amount of frames set?
Did you check Start and Offset?

All these are found under world Texture properties -> Mapping tab


I am pretty sure I set everything as expected ??? no?
In the image the check mark on the render panel for the background is
not turned on when I made the screenshot. currently I use the sequencer.

That’s the weirdest 2.5 I have ever seen…

Nonetheless, even using 2.49 with these settings seem to work fine for me (with ‘Hori’ enabled in the ‘Map to’ tab)

jah it is late and I cannot spell check

it is 2.4 of course :wink:

Bang shoot me - PAPER was it so it is a straight backdrop
without any mh world wrapping !!!

I hate it when it is sooo simple …

Bang, Sago shoots…

spanking taken …

the manual says that the Paper is for the Blend and not the image/texture ah well …