I’m a newbie with Blender and I start my first project.
But unfortunately, the camera and the rendering results are mirrored every time.
Sorry, I can’t find any solutions for my problem, so I have to ask here for help.
I think, you can help me, perhaps it is a small mistake?! Hope, anybody can help me, please.
Thank you!
the camera and the rendering results are mirrored every time.
What does this actually mean ?
You need to supply much much more info, we’re not mind readers !
Attach screenshots of your scene, render result and indicate exactly what you are trying to achieve.
Also always attach or link to your blend file that demonstrates your problem.
okay, I hope, my pictures will help you.
First, you can see here my object from the user perspective.
Here a Screenshot from the camera perspective + render result
You can find my blend-File here:
Thank you!
I am sorry, but your combinatory skills didn’t make you realize that the camera perspective and the render result matches up?
If you put a camera on a tripod, set it to remote shot an image, then walk around your motive and trigger the camera (render) it’s very unlikely that the camera will photograph (the render) what you currently see (user perspective).
Blender works very analogical to the real world in that remark, and it does all correctly, your user expectations are just wrong
Long story short, Blender renders what the active camera sees.
@arexma: thank you for your answer, but the step between camera view and render result is not my problem. Work correctly.
Perhaps I declared it false. My problem exists between the userview and the cameraview.
Here you can see, that the camera view is mirrored on Z.
For testing, I create a new blend-File, but everthing was fine.
I found a solution to solve my problem: Delete old camera and Create a new one. - But this is everytime a very bad solution.

Perhaps you know more about it. I compared the settings between both cameras, but can’t find a difference.
Thank you!
okay, I found my mistake!
Camerasettings - Transform - Scale - X: -1
I didn’t recognize the minus…
Thank you.
Ah, I see.
I assumed your perspective viewport was at the back of the object as the camera/render matched
Good you sorted it out…
If you edit your initial post and go to advanced mode in editing, you can set the prefix [solved]