Renderers for 2.5

Hi, im not exactly new as such to external renderers, but as for whole export stuff etc, im pretty clueless about. All i know is, from what ive gathered is that most open source renderers are going to be updated when blender reaches 2.6. but surely this isnt entirely true, there must still be some renderers which work(export) nicely. so anyway, are there any external renderers atm that work export properly?


Thea. has an exporter for 2.55.

For what it’s worth, I understand that the release of v2.6 is imminent. There are some Blender builds on that have incorporated Yafaray, Luxrender, and Mitsuba render. None of them, to my knowledge, work without having to put some additional information into Blender.

I’d suggest staying with Blender Internal until there’s a stable release and settled exporters.