Rendering a Movie

I am wondering how to render an animation 1 frame at a time and then add them all into a movie later.

For example:
Lets say I have a animation 2000 frames long, and it takes 10 minutes a frame.
I would like to be able to render it some at a time instead of all at once. And then later put all the frames together into one movie.

Thanks for the help

most video editors can load an image sequence as a movie file.

Actually I can’t think of a single one that can’t.

On the render screen, under Anim, you can set your start and stop frames to render a little bit at a time. As far as video editors, they can get pretty expensive. VirtualDubMod will do the trick, though, and it’s open source!

Go to to download it.

Go to Open Video File and select the first image file in the sequence. VDub will automatically open them all as a video. Then Save As…, select a codec, and you’re done.

You can do this without vdub ( I like vdub and use it alot) The blender sequence editor can do this also.
select the frames you want to render and the output folder make a new empty folder for this. select the image format you want (.png works good. ) and the frames you want to render.
Now when you want to add more frames change the frames to render under the animate tab. starting with the frame after the one you left off at. make sure they will end up in the same folder as before. repeat this as many times as it takes to render your animation.
save your work shut down and restart blender ( or start a new instance of blender) Open the viedo sequence editor, Add, Images, its on the bar at the botom of the window. browse to your folder with all youre images use the A-key to select all. drop the strip into the editor at frame one. if you need to move it use the G-key. now when you render select your video codec, and make sure to press the do sequence button on the render tab. Also the frame start and end should match the number of images that you want to render. it may sound a little complicated but its not realy and it might get you using the sequence editor. an over looked part of blender for new users. Have fun.