Rendering animation via linux command line


I am trying to render an animation via the linux command line. To do this I use the following,

blender -b <filename> -s <start frame> -e <end frame> -a

When I use this it spits out jpegs for each frame of the animation; however, I want it to spit out a single avi file of the animation. I thought to do this all I would have to do is pass the above to blender and make sure I have the format avi Jpeg or avi RAW selected for my render settings, but it appears this is not the case. What am I over looking?


Carlos R.

In the output tab in the render buttons window for the selection that says “directory to save rendered pics to” for the tooltip put the full path of your avi file.

eg. /home/rjplus/mymovie.avi

Then your command will work as expected.



That worked perfectly.

It really is not such a bad idea to render individual frames and then sequence the final. Its nice to make quick changes to short sequences when things go wrong.