hello everyone, i need help, yesterday i rendered a walk cycles animation (200 frames) into AVI JPEG format, it tooks about 3hrs to render the animation and when it finished, the video duration was just about 7s long, the character walk so fast, how do i change the speed of my character walk cycles or extends the video duration so it’s not looks like a fast motion video? do i have to edit the video in other software? i’m still new in blender 
thank you and sorry for my english 
Sounds like you’re using something close to the default 24fps. If you don’t want to re-render it, you’ll have to reduce the video frame rate. You can do this in video editing software or you can load the video into Blender’s VSE and scale it. That’s going to start to look choppy though.
To slow it down properly, you’ll have to re-render it. You can select all the keyframes in the dope sheet and scale them up to slow the animation down.
It’s always a good idea to do a GL render of any animation before you commit to a full render. It takes a fraction of the time and lets you see how your timing will look in the finished video.
oh thanks 
i will try to re-render it:yes: