I’m having an issue rendering or changing the Active Camera in Blender 4.2 and 4.3. When I set a selected camera to active with Ctrl+0, the Camera View shifts to the selected active camera, but when rendering, it reverts to the first camera what was in the scene.
I’ve been doing this for years and this is a new niggle. I reset to Factory Settings, in case an add-on what causing the problem (as is often the case), but the problem remained. I’m guessing it’s a chang in the new build, but cannot find an answer anywhere.
Does this occur on a completely new file or an already existing file? Just wondering if maybe there are keyframes on the camera which will reset it to it’s keyframed position when rendering.
You can also check the render metadata to make sure that the camera is being changed and not simply moved.
Yes, it is a new file. I have also reset to default Blender settings. Two cameras in scene, when selecting second cam as Active (with black triangle) and rendering, it simply reverts back to the first camera in scene.
Try setting a keyframe for each cam and bind to marker.
It was a keyframe issue!
Thanks guys, USER ERROR. I baked a number of standard cams into the startup file a while ago and didn’t use blender for a few months, so I forgot about them.
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