I am working on an external add-on that allows a user to select a .blend file and send it to multiple computers on a LAN. It is slightly similar to Distriblend, but more tailored to the needs of my studio.
The issue that I am having is coming from two directions. One) Whenever I execute the “bpy.ops.render.render(animation=True)” command from a script, the command successfully begins to render out my animation, however the UI freezes in the meantime. I can see the render going from the console, but the UV/Image Editor, where my render should be previewing in the gui, freezes up.
I tried running a render command “blender -anim” from the command line, and again, it opens blender but the UI freezes so that I cannot actually see what is going on. I can see from console that blender is rendering correctly, but I’d like to be able to see the actual render as well.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to run the render command from inside a python script (or even a console command) that allows for a file to render with the GUI fully intact (as if you had pressed render or ctrl+f12 from inside blender).
Thanks for all your help,