Rendering in Blender

Hi I’m new and I was wondering if there was a way to get Blender to render with my graphics card instead of my processor? Any help would be great, thanks.

You could do it using the Mosaic script to export to Gelato GPU renderer in .rib . Blender internal does not support GPU rendering.

Do you have a link? I could use that for rendering movies so it wouldn’t take as long. Thanks.

Gelato has got its own blender exporter in a project apart from Mosaic (Mosaic is based on this code for its cleanliness :wink: ). You can find more info here, as well as the latest verision of the exporter and some examples and screenshots:

cheers! :smiley:

I think he should stick to Mosaic, because that plugin was abandoned quite some time ago, and Mosaic has become really full-bodied and a great plugin to use. Mosaic works better than that plugin because Mosaic has been developed to really integrate with Blender, and it still is which gives it a distinctive edge over it. Also Mosaic exports to .rib, so there would be absolutely no compatibitlity issues between the two.
Stick to Mosaic.
Also for info about that, google rendermantoblender. You will find a blog with lots of tutorials on this pipeline, as well as more information and a download for Mosaic.

Also, just to let you know, unless you have a really crappy processor, you should probably stick to CPU renders, because Gelato will take the same amount of time unless you have a high end card, like a 9800 GTX or a 4850 from ATI.