Greetings peeps, couldn’t find anything in the manual or online for this. I have three different objects in three different layers. I took them into the compositor and gave them the effects I wanted. Then I plugged everything into the composite node at the end, then i checked the ‘compositing’ button in the post processing menu. Then I rendered to get my final image. But before It gives me the final image, it renders all three images separately before doing so. How can I keep this from happening? I’ve tried putting everything back into the same layer but that didn’t work.
But before It gives me the final image, it renders all three images separately before doing so. How can I keep this from happening?
What were you expecting it to do ? If you have 3 render layers it has to render them somehow so you have something to combine in the compositor. If you have already rendered images you can use an image input node instead of a render layer node.
If you have rendered and then used compositing nodes to adjust the final output, just change an Image Editor window to show the rendered view and just save the image from there from the Image menu just as you would when rendering an image
What are you wanting to do ?
Well, I didn’t want to see all three layers rendered on the screen I guess. Just thought the all mighty blender would have secret burger king menu button that you could check that would say just render the whole thing at a higher sampling and that would be that. But I guess not.
Just found something about material indexes that may allow you do do it. Don’t know what that is, going to check it out in the next day or so. Very busy…