rendering like mad (final update)

hey folks, while my computers are busy rendering, I’ll take a moment on the pokey machine to post this little image
just something quick I’m trying to finish by saturday…

I like it a lot!
Please post a link to the finnished product when your done.

Thanks, I will.
PS: Its very short, and to give you an idea of how short, the title is : “pawn descending a staircase”
I know, very un-original, but I think its a bit funny, no?

I remember seeing your test walk of this looked cool :smiley:

thanks luckybreak. I still have a larger animation in mind (In which that test plays no part). However, When the radiosity render came out, I used that old .blend to test it, which in turn suggested this larger (but still short) segment, that can hopefully stand on its own, but may function as a sortoff teaser for the longer piece.
And frankly, I have the need to finish something, even if its short.
I’ll post more test renders as they finish.

oh my… these images have such feeling in them… i absolutly love this… Please show us the finished product!!!

Beautiful renders. Great lighting setup here. Your character looks like he has lots of…character. Looking forward to seeing the finished result.

Nice! Be sure to post him when done! :smiley:

well, not really happy with them, but I’m on a deadline… (I’ll fix if there’s time):

You’re working at Pixar? :smiley: I like what I see. And looking forward to see it in motion! :wink:
Only one crit. The switch on the 2nd image - you made it using booleans, right? It seems there are some strange atrifacts messy triangles, no?

I love this look. Stunning character.

I also remember your walk tests with this guy a while back. Glad to see you dug him back out.

Can’t wait to see the animation.


great, cant wait to see the anim. hurry up! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the nice comments, folks. You’re helping me keep my motivation as the weeks go on.
In regards to the artifact on the switch: Its not from booleans, just some bad modeling choices on an extremely low poly model. thought I could get away with it, but it showed up in the render, and I’m too rushed at this point to fix it.
Ramble: Its kinda interesting what catches different peoples eyes, though. I was gonna point out some mistakes/problems I have, but I think now I won’t- This way I’ll learn better what shows and what doesn’t.
Here’s another ramble: blender is a great fit for the one-person animator. Its letting me do this so quickly, and it doesn’t get in my way at all. With tuhoppu’s modeling tools I can now hack up quick models, bevels, knifed edges zippy quick. The open-source license is also a feature, perhaps the best one, along with packing texture information in a .blend, and the portability and lightness of the app. I’ve got some other people offering me computers to render scenes on as my computers “fill up”. All I have to do is pack the .blends, install blender on their machines and go. No worries about license (free), OS (their running various windows and Linux) or bloat.

Ramble: Its kinda interesting what catches different peoples eyes, though. I was gonna point out some mistakes/problems I have, but I think now I won’t- This way I’ll learn better what shows and what doesn’t.

I’m not trying to blame you. Your images are really very good so I mentioned the glitches on the switch. It was only one thing disturbing otherwise perfect image… I think, you can learn many useful procedures if you just show the audience what bothers you :wink:

Wow… you’re going to show this in Montreal, right?

for sure! I also want this to show in Amsterdam, but I have to finish by Saturday. Tonight and Tommorrow night are gonna be pivotal (I work 8 to 5, so I’ve been sleeping at 2-4 a.m. to do night anims , and leaving my 'puters rendering in the daytime.)
The whole thing is only gonna be ~40 seconds, so I hope you ain’t dissapointed.
Last batch of rendertests before final tonight, prob around midnight.

Ok, here’s the last wip until done:
Wish me luck!

jesus man… that looks freakin great!

My hat goes off to you, You are one of the very few people to use the new radiosity properly…this is spectacular!

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

wow. you can work on 2 hours of sleep a night!!! holy moly! i wish i could teach myself to do that, i need like 9!

good stuff, i can see some jaggies, but ill let you away with it.