rendering sequence effects into PNG RGBA files

Hi, I have this animation of a blade spinning and would like to include a nice glow effect in it. I need that the output come into a sequence of png files with alpha channel. The problem is that the frames appear totally empty (no blade and no glow) in the output when the RGBA mode is selected. If I change it to RGB the output will come with the blade and the effect in it, bur of course, no alpha. Im doing this in Blender 2.5 Beta What should I do? Thanks

Hard to tell what the problem is without an example file, it has worked ok for me.

Here goes the blender file.


blade.blend (679 KB)

When rendering that scene and saving it to png I get this that I’ve attached. It has the blade and glow but the alpha channel does not seem extend to include the glow like you can do with the compositor nodes.

I don’t know what to suggest if you’re getting blank files…perhaps use the compositor Glare node instead of using the VSE, since it may deal with alpha differently.


Perhaps key it over a black background in the VSE and use that (which should include the glow) as a luminance key. Would require you to save it twice I guess?