Rendering To EXR?

I’m trying to render a sequence out for post processing in OpenEXR format, however Blender seems to be refusing to save any images. It’s not giving me an exception message, it renders, but there’s nothing there afterward. I’m using the same method I’d use to output as a Targa or AVI, but no files are saved. s there something I’m missing about outputting to EXR?

no, works for me 2.43 RC2. Clicking Anim, right? Output directory path problem? look for 0001.exr in the dir.

Oh, man…the lack of sleep is getting to me…Nope, just hitting “Render”…duh…
Still while I’ve got your attention…:eyebrowlift:
Are there any tips out there in how to use the EXR format in After Effects? I have to use AE, rather than the Blender composite for business reasons.I’ve found that when I bring the file into AE it changes the gamma, and I have yet to figure out how to use the DOF…