Rendering to Quicktime not working...

Ok, basically I can’t render to any of the Quicktime codecs.

The console just outputs: AddMediaSample error: -2008.

Wondering if its Quicktime or something else. Searching through the forums, seems as though everyone can render to Quicktime except me.

Anyone have a solution?


Try re-installing QUicktime. It might be that the rendering CODECs aren’t installed correctly.

Nope, that didn’t work :frowning: . Any other ideas?

I have the exact same problem. I just built a new computer with Win XP Pro and I am getting the same error. My old computer w/ Win XP Home renders them fine.

I have tried uninstalling (all system extensions also) and reinstalling, installing from a different installer, reinstalling an older and newer versions (have tried v5, 6, 6.5). Getting the same result.

Any ideas out there?


For Quicktime, you have to have the drive letter in your render path.

not just: /render/