Rendering Troubles

Hey Guys

I’m working on an architectural rendering. I have some troubles with the texturing of some of the concrete surfaces.
As shown in the picture, the surfaces witch are seen from top and at a flat angle look very poor. I don’t know why.
Does anybody have a clue why? Please help!

And tell me how I could make it better, I would be interested in taking this to the limit


I’m afraid people will need more information about how you are texturing these before they can help… but to take a wild guess - Are you using orco in ‘map input’ with ‘flat’ checked? Try changing ‘flat’ to ‘cube’ to have the texture mapped all the way around your models.

I’m already using cube mapping. If I’m using a Camera from a different viwepoint, where those surfaces are viewn from a steeper angle, they look exactly like the other surfaces you can see in the rendering.

what I used:

colormap, cube projection, global coordinates
bumpmap, cube projection, global coordinates
concrete structure map, mapped to nor, col(multiplied), object coordinates linked to an empty

some other maps like dirtmaps and so on, mapped to col, nor, spec and so on. these can’t be the problem, because it doesn’t change anything if I turn them off.

Try setting Full OSA on in the material settings.

Full OSA is allready set. The texture looks good, as long as i’m viewing it from a steep angle, as soon as the angle gets smaller, the surface looks very flat

I think it looks flat because it IS flat!

If you’re using NOR bump mapping, only the texture lighting changes. You sound like you want DISPlacement instead, which will change the actual geometry according to your bump texture colour.

Note that the renderer “moves” the vertices (for the render only, not the modelling)… so you need to have enough vertices to show the bumps.

By the way, you can have bump mapping on as well. You might still want it for the smaller details.

Like dgebel said, it is flat…

There are a few things you can do to eliminate the edge problem:

  • Displacement, which adds a bunch of vertices, probably slowing things way down
  • Using the texture as a normal map, which can add subtle changes to the texture
  • Set the geometry as smooth
  • BevelHere are some tests i’ve done:


Concrete with nor

Concrete with smooth

Concrete with smooth and nor

Concrete with bevel

Concrete with bevel, smooth and nor

Sorry for all the files, but as you can see, nor (set at 10) only adds a bit of depth to the texture. Setting smooth on the other hand completely changes the shadows. Beveling makes the edges more “rounded” as they would appear in real life.


Thank you guys!

I’m not yet shure if I can sort it out with your hints, but i’ll try. Wait for the results, i’ll post them.

Okay, this is as far as i’m now, after a while of stopping work.
crits please


YAfray or Blender internal? it changes my opinion.

the textures dont seem to match on different sides of the walls. try playin around with different textures.

its all rendered with blender internal, i’m trying to avoid yafray in this project. just try to achieve a setup which allows a quick and easy rendering of architectural scenes.

maybe you’re right, i’m going to check this. but it’s possible that the textures just look displaced because of the geometry, which is not rectangular as you can see. this means there is no way to, for example, match the seems of the concrete boarding structure. i just had to deside how the boarding would possibly be done in reality an tried to rebuild that. if you are talking of something else, could you please describe the location of the troubles? i would be thankful.
edit: i think i know what you’re talking about, work in progress

Well then the picture is awesome! I personally like the way the pic looks. The geometry is very abstract, I think that that is something missing form todays art. Good Job!

It looks cool- but like a tiny stop-motion set to me.

I think part of that is due to the fact that the bump texture on the wood parts is way too big and I think part of it may be due to the lighting.

How are you lighting this right now?

That’s the typical mip-map effect that annoys people in most renderers…you may want to switch it off, especially for bump maps. No mip-mapping needs more antialiasing though.

great, thank you. thats exactly what caused the troubles. i couldn’t believe displacement maps should be the only solution to that effect.

yeah, the bump maps are set a bit too high, allthough it’s concrete with a boarding structure, not wood. maybe i should work on that too :stuck_out_tongue:

the lighting setup consists of: top light, floor light, back light, a sun for the ambient light and a spot light for the halo effect at the window in the background. you can see all the lights in the pic.


I like your last render. That front vertical pillar looks incredible.

Looks nice, though something weird seems to be going on with the ceiling. Is there supposed to be a huge slab of concrete hanging down slightly from the ceiling? I hope not, because if so the civil engineer in me is about to go into convulsions.

The textures look fine, though it would probably help to have a more hi-res render to look at. If that’s as big as you’re going to render it, though, it looks good.

hehe, so i did my job as an architect in a quite successful way. :smiley:

this slab is a relict of a parametric design strategy i used for that project. this is a universitarian project, not one to build as it is, it’s just a study. but if i would like to build it, i’m sure there would be a solution.

the picture is meant to be much bigger, and that version is to come soon. i’m going to post it in next future. i just want to implement the crits since the last version and don’t have too much time right now, so it’s going to take some days…