I am a biomedical engineering grad and I’m using Blender 2.49 to animate a biomechanics model. I am sort of a noob in this so I apologise inb advance if I don’t manage to explain myself clearly. :o
In the first script I wrote, I had to attribute loc and rotation to several objects in the scene so I used:
obj = Object.Get(object_names[i])
obj.RotX = theta
obj.RotY = phi
obj.RotZ = psi
obj.LocY = -1*float(transf_list[12])
obj.LocX = float(transf_list[13])
obj.LocZ = float(transf_list[14])
Then, I added some bones with constraints to Copy Location and Rotation of these objects (empties) but when run the script they stay put instead of following the objects.
Does anyone know what lines I have to add to the code to make it work?
Thanks a lot:(