rendering with different fps

I have an animation rendered at 24 fps, however i need it to be rendered at 39 fps, but switching this just cases the total animation to play in a shorter time, because it has the same total number of frames, is it possible to change the speed of the animation without re-keyframing?
Or if not is it possible to scale ipo curves, or move keyframes around in the graph editor


i know only 1 solution, a little math :smiley: – 24 frames is 1 sec, if u have e.g. 10 seconds long anim, its 240 frames overall. you want 39 frames per sec, but it only makes it faster, cause we have more action happening in one second. so, take 39, and multiply it with the length of your animation.

(e.g. u have 24 fps with 10 sec, thats 240 frames overall, but if you want 39 fps, you need 390 frames, and you have to strech all of your keyframes to fit properly)

Save to a new file,
make a new panel, changeit to dope sheet, change it to action editor, go to the first frame, select everything with a, and scale all of your keyframes up to the new end of your anim.

Uploaded with

hope it helped :wink:
