rendering with sun...

I’m trying to render using the (Sun) grid… but all I get back is this…

Where am I going wrong please?

I’m not sure as I’ve never tried rendering with a service, but I’m sure the Peach team could tell you. :slight_smile: They’ve been struggling with all kinds of problems on the same service.

Did the test file provided at documentation work for you?

Thanks for your replies guys…
I’m just wasting hours here getting the same results all the time…
I have followed the instructions, but still can;t get it to work… sigh
Is there a “walkthrough” or tutorial for doing using network to render?

I used the tutorial found at (seems to be down at the moment).

Just make sure you upload the render script, right Blender (2.42 I think) and provide right command for the render script to work.

Thanks BeBraw.
I’m following that…
I’ve uploaded as an application into my resources on
I’ve uploaded as data to my resorces…

Followed the instructions in the link you gave, and it worked… got an image back from the…
So, I decided to once again try my luck with my file file contents are:
sun-apt.blend -o //blend# -s 25 -e 425 -a
zipped this up with my .blend file…

Guess what results I got back…
Yup, very similar results to the image I posted above…

This is so frustrating…

When I used the service I put following line in
<filename>.blend -o //<filename># -S Sequence -s 1 -e 1010 -a

That -S Sequence part just determines that it uses that specific scene (named aptly as Sequence). I used multiple scenes to split whole shot into smaller parts and then combined them in a scene which was then rendered.

I even went so far that I split characters from background and rendered them separately to get more control.

If you don’t get it to work, perhaps you could contact the people at

I think I may just give up on it… way too complicated, I don’t have the time to send test after test to the grid, and using up my hours just to get error back…