Hi. I would like to learn more about renderman and render my scenes by that engine. How is it possible to use it in blender. Any experienced artist out there?
I don’t believe it’s possible with the current versions of both Renderman and Blender. Someone more knowledgeable can correct me if I’m wrong.
Check this Renderman thread:
The thread started years ago, when Renderman was still working in Blender, but read the end of the thread as well.
You can buy it to get the older 21.7 version which works with 2.79, otherwise for Non-Commercial you’re a bit late unless you dive in Houdini, Maya, Katana, Mari…
The main thing what the “Wait” is all about, is for new API to go public.
Which was mentioned on Pixar’s forums to happen sometime in the v.23 lifetime…