Hello everyone,
I am extremely new to Blender but I usually use Cinema 4D. I have a client that wanted me to set up a rig for their YouTube channel where all they would have to do is move the rig so they can add a background and render an alpha image that they could put into different locations in photoshop. I made the rig and have worked out everything else but every time I render the final image it turns out blurry.
Before final pass -
After Final Pass -
I’m trying to get it set up so she doesn’t have to do anything other than move the model and press render and I’m fairly stuck. I have already maximized the textures and made sure that they were not being stretched. I know people have suggested to check the UV wrapping but I’m unfamiliar with Blender and have no idea where to locate any of this.
Blender File -
Jaina_rig.blend (1.36 MB)