Repair Droid: Now textured and rigged

finished texturing and rigging, may need to make some minor fixes on the texturing.

Would be nice to know what you guys think :slight_smile:


I think he wants to grasp my head with his claws and insert that spiky thing he has withdrawn into his arm… spooky.

Very clean, straight out of the box? :slight_smile:

My only crit:

You spelled “droid” wrong in the title…

Nice details.

I love the fingers.

only thing i see wrong is texture stretching. (maybe cubic or shereical wrapping), if it aint UV mapped.

Thankyou all for the replies :smiley:

shbaz: thanx, that “spyky thing” is a laser cutter, and judging from the “rust” and scratches I don’t think its straight out of the box…or the factory to be precise :smiley:

Jeeves: :expressionless: thanx for telling, I edited it

MusicMan: thanx

Fonix Wircs: It is UV mapped so can’t be any stretching, at least I don’t see it. thanx for commenting.

now onto the next model :smiley:
