Repeating texture

I’ve UV mapped a pretty big model with a texture which is tiling, and I would like to repeat the texture several times over it. Currently I mapped the faces on it, and it stretches over the whole length of the model, which doesn’t really look good. I tried to extend the faces about three times over the size of the texture, which has the same effect as repating it three times as well, but I wonder if this would be the right way to do it. I saw some options for repeating, but I think they were for something else. At least it didn’t have a visual impact on my texture, when I tried these.


another option to tile the texture:
In material buttons (F5), Map Input Tab, the three sliders for size (XYZ) can be used to scale the texture space. Results will only be visible in render or preview window, not in the UV select window!

The whole scaling and tiling thing might look odd, because it only works correctly if your texture is a seamless patch (prepared for repetition). UV-mapping, on the other hand, is usually needed to place texture features precisely onto the mesh. In your case, another texture projection (Orco?) might do the job just as well.


Ah! So that’s why I didn’t notice any difference, because I only looked at the modelling screen without rendering.

The whole scaling and tiling thing might look odd, because it only works correctly if your texture is a seamless patch (prepared for repetition). UV-mapping, on the other hand, is usually needed to place texture features precisely onto the mesh. In your case, another texture projection (Orco?) might do the job just as well.

I don’t think that I can use some other projection method, because I’m modelling this for a game, so I need to have the UV coordinates. Don’t know if this would work if I switch to orco instead?


if it’s for a game, you will indeed need to use UV-mapping. I’m not so sure my suggestion about scaling the texture space will work then, this is not usually part of model file formats. But you could try to use several small textures instead of a big one.

For a quick preview of the rendered output, hit Shift-P in 3D-window to open a small preview window

Good luck!