Replacement-like Noise curve modifier but that actually works?

In 2.79 I want a noise modifier that oscillates about the curve defined by shape keys so that the average is exactly at the curve itself, I do not want it to “replace” these shape keys however because then that completely destroys the capacity to make edits later, and it makes using the envelope modifier overly cumbersome.

About half the time, using a combination of offset add and subtract noise modifiers gets the job done, but not always. Is there a better method for having noise that averages about a curve rather than strictly adding it above or subtracting it below?

No Blender box atm, but isn’t there an “additive” option for noise? If so, that’s what you’re looking for.

Right…I literally mentioned mentioned that throughout the post several times, and the subtractive option…

Additive does not average around the curve, neither does subtractive. Only “replace” does, but like I said, the problem is it “replaces” keyframes instead of doing what people want it to do by staying separate from your edits.