[Request] continue to support Windows XP

This is the only version of Windows I continue to support for security reasons…
Without it, I don’t have a Windows development platform to test on…
I don’t DARE install anything newer, because I don’t believe in selling my privacy, and even in supporting the act as such.

So I continue to use and support Windows XP because it’s the last known secure version of Windows.

Would you please consider making a release for this version.

Yes this means rolling back to python 3.4
You’ll have to yell at the python devs to get something decent there…
(I’ve already yelled at them, but of course it’ll take more than me to make them budge)

Pretty sad people care so little towards others…

Why not dual or usb boot a Linux distro to run Blender? That or a compatible Windows OS, just keep it offline, or firewall to taste.

On care for others, taking such steps saves the devs more / wasted work.

I second that. And btw, using Win XP on any machine connected to the internet is very much the antipode of “secure”.

just do not use Microsoft software

Problem SOLVED

Honestly. Linux is not just safer, but once you get used to it, a hell of a lot easier to maintain and troubleshoot. Everything is open, rather than being tied to closed and obscure registry hacks.

Don’t take this as an anti-win post - it isn’t (I quite like Win 7, even if I don’t use it), but Linux gives you so much more.

the world needs to keep moving, this is just like flash. they need to just pull the plug and let advancement happen. nerfing features just to support a handfull of people on ancient systems is big waste of time and money blender doesnt have.

sorry to sound like a troll, but its true. linux isnt half bad, especially if your used to hacking xp to stay afloat. just use firefox with your pick of adblocker and its really quite pleasent.

Linux gives you so much more than any version of Windows…

I just don’t Dare install anything above XP, which believe it or not is the most secure when connected to net.

It’s far easier for hackers to take control of Windows in newer versions thanks to the automation provided from MS themselves…

anyways, this is just a request to blender developers to continue to support XP…
Otherwise Imma have to tell Windows users to screw themselves because I’m not subjecting myself to less security when developing for Windows.

Btw, I know about csrss.exe on Windows XP…
Now that Microsoft has basically taken control of Windows, I think there’s far greater issues to worry about than that tiny thing…

Btw, chrome is far more secure than FireFox, which is about as secure as IE without AX and MS lies…
And chrome is tracked by Google…

You’re not supporting yourself with that example :stuck_out_tongue:

well the USA’s IRS is still using 1970’s mainframes and code
and the Michigan secretary of state is using a 1970 mainframe

but even the CIA finally retired there old room sized punch-card univac

I’m not playing Microsoft’s game and throwing away my security just to have a testing platform…

Sorry Windows users, but I’m sticking with secure Windows XP (in comparison)…

Unless some developers get smart, it looks like I won’t be able to test my python scripts on Windows… Sorry guys.

To mention just in case, Blender Windows builds work on Linux under Wine. If this is just for testing scripts, maybe it could be useful for you.

By the way, maintain Blender for such an old system could be a lot of workload for developers. Also taking into account that Blender 2.8 will be a bit more demanding with regard to graphic requirements.

holds gun to head
pulls trigger

EDIT: the first torch has been lit.

It’s not me who has to apologize to them…

Truthfully it’s Microsoft who should apologize since they’ve been releasing fake OSs these past few years.

I will not stop lighting torches.

As far as I remember Python and Blender were running pretty well on Win XP. I’m pretty sure there are binaries of Blender versions that still run on the Win Version you are using. Considering your philosophy - they are not less secure than the OS you are using.

Blender is open source. Rather than relying on unknown persons to create the binaries for you, you can do it by yourself.

Yes Blender is open source…
But there are people like me who lack the ability to build a working program in languages like C…
If blender were written in Java, ok, I could compile it… C# maybe… But I haven’t even been able to mock up an OpenGL tutorial in C++ and successfully compile it…

Otherwise I’d just build a distro for WinXP rather than make a request for others to do so…

The last version of blender I know of that could probably run on WinXP would have to be 2.75…
I know 2.77 used python 3.5 which doesn’t run on XP.

In any case…
I still make my point…
I need a Windows computer connected to my network for synced development…
Windows XP is the only version (excluding older versions) that doesn’t automatically kill itself without user interaction after removing IE.
To add, it’s also the only version that doesn’t spy on you out of the box.
All you really need is a legit firewall and maybe (for convenience) a decent virus software (Avast can suck itself with it’s 30% ratio).

Other than that, if you wish to even dare browse the net, use a secure browser (more secure than chrome), I recommend at least Comodo Dragon with a load of blockers (more than ads) and security suites or notifiers like WoT or Avast.

Yes I know a lot about security and what to use… I’m not just some noob who prefers WinXP and that’s it…
Security on newer versions of Windows is a joke… Microsoft doesn’t care about their users, they care about the money they can make off them by whatever means necessary and I’m not dumb enough to subject myself to that…
I may as well just put my SSID on Facebook if that’s the case…

It’s sad to see just how many people support this…
(More like they don’t even know they’re supporting it)

Even if you’re convinced that XP is the only Windows that doesn’t spy on you (which is unlikely, if Microsoft really lived up to these conspiracy theories why wouldn’t they patch it in?), it’s also the Windows where everybody else is spying on you since it has a hige amount of exploits that won’t be fixed anymore. I do get why you think that newer versions spy on you, but I cannot see why you would consider XP secure. All in all, your security knowledge seems rather disconnected from reality and facts.

Regarding the topic: No, won’t happen. XP is dead, accept it. If you refuse to go to a newer Windows version, which I understand, use Linux instead.

The exploits that mainly spy on you with XP are mainly reliant on IE and ActiveX, which I’ve removed IE from my hard drive… I still use ActiveX for Active Desktop, since I have an awesome html desktop background…
(Can’t use this with XP64 though since ActiveX isn’t available for it)

In any case if I drop Windows XP, that means Windows users of my python scripts may likely experience issues, since wine works better than Windows…

I use WinXP to keep things sane between support, which wine is not a good candidate for, especially with python.

So… sorry Windows users if you have problems with my stuff.
It’s not my fault developers are shutting me out.

I prefer my privacy, which newer versions of Windows cannot give me.

The truth is (about Blender and WinXP support) is that there are numerous features and enhancements (both for users and developers) that would be very difficult, if not impossible to implement if they had to keep support for WinXP (due to its total lack of support for modern hardware, API’s, and libraries.

I really don’t think it would be fair to most users (hobbyist and professional) if they were told that a lot of modern features will never be developed in order to satisfy someone’s ideological crusade. It’s not going to happen, and your current position will lead to a situation where you can barely run anything period because it also means the end of hardware upgrades (never again will a new PC be purchased because none of them have XP pre-installed).

I find this extremely hard to believe, there’s a powerful thing called an IF statement which you can use to test if support is hacked in and working or just simply not available.
I see no possible issues here with loss of support if things are implemented correctly.

Cranky: GIT GUD

This from the guy that says he can’t compile a C++, OpenGL, “Hello World” program??? You are detached from reality. I unplugged from from Windows when XP support was dropped, you should have done the same. The handwriting’s been on the wall for a long time, when it comes to Microsoft concern for user privacy. Your existential crisis now would have been far easier if you had admitted the truth years ago.

while I havn’t been able to compile anything, I have been able to read a few sources, and have even tried porting them to python.
RedEclipse does a fairly decent job of checking out it’s environment before supporting specific features…

the only reason I still use WinXP is specifically for a windows development platform.

it’s not about me “unplugging” from windows, because it sounds like you’re encouraging me to glitchfully support windows with wine, if even support it at all…

why do I say glitchfully?
here’s one example, when doing a timeit test, the preferred timer should be set to time.time, but instead is set to the less accurate time.clock because the platform is mistaken for “win32”

You don’t have to use wine. You can run whatever you want sandboxed in a virtual machine. The thrust of my unplugging comment wasn’t about “You should unplug”, it was about you should have been planning for how to approach the situation. Expecting software, and hardware, vendors to rollback their efforts, based on your fears, isn’t realistic.