Request for input on new cloth system

A general thank you to those expressing their happiness and excitement on this … I hope I live up to your expectations, :).

We’re getting some good basic ideas here for a feature set and eventually, I’ll go through the thread and generate a document of sorts to enumerate them. The more we have, the better though, so don’t be bashful, if you considered posting, but didn’t, do it. If you’re really shy, PM me, :expressionless: .

Has anyone thought about the desired workflow for something like this ? If you had a chance to play with my original topix based releases, what did you think and what would you like changed ?

I am aware that the parameters are probably pretty confusing to the average person and the entire UI needs to look a lot less overwhelming. The direction I was planning on taking the topix version was to work similarly to the Beast. There would be separate panels for the different major categories of parameters. Possibly have one simple panel, similar to what exists now, but with parameters that are less technical. It’ll be easier to do this once presets are supported and made.

For example, the first panel might have a way for you to pick your cloth object and allow you to pick a preset for the cloth type (denim, silk, cotton, etc.). The preset would simply set the spring stiffnesses available on a separate panel for tweaking. Something similar would happen for the collision objects and other required parameters.

The idea would be that a casual user could see the initial panel and not freak out at all the technical gibberish. In fact, in many cases casual and non-casual users would be able to get their work done with that one panel. Fearless or foolish users, :), could venture into the other panels and recklessly modify all the parameters.

Of course, this would be for fairly simple cases of use. Dressing a character and other things of that nature are likely to have some sort of process that must be followed. I’m not sure what that process is now and it is a ways away. Many problems to solve and much work to do before that happens.

Think of how a paper card will bend in real life, anbd then think of how tafy will stretch in real life. Well blender so far does a great job at the tafy strech, but trying to bend a card will not work in mesh edit modeit is to easy to strech the card. So if the mesh had the cloth stifness traits pull traits you could easily bend the card in edit mode without the need for latices. This just an example

For this, think a glove, It will fit skin tite or it ill not fit at all, different levels of strech and fit.

big thanks zaz, its really great that you’ve taken on this huge project! other than making the cloth simulation simulate fluids as well, i would love to be able to set keyframes for the settings such as stiffness, etc. Possible uses include animating the change in flabbyness and mass after a pair of jeans was soaked in muddy water. however, this could probably only be possible if either the python interface were enhanced, or blender would support plugins…

thanks again for your effort!! :smiley:

youngbatcat - I’ll have to think about that a bit. I think I know what you’re asking for now, I’m just not sure how the cloth sim could be applied within blender to do that, at least very directly.

There will be a little inherent support for fluids in the cloth simulator, i.e. a bit of fluid like behavior is built into the algorithms and could likely be creatively abused to get some interesting effects like water surfaces. Also, there is a viscosity parameter in the simulation so you can change the viscosity of the medium through which the cloth is moving. So if you’re just asking for the cloth to act as if its underwater, that should be supported by default, just change that parameter. To get true fluid mechanics though, a partical solution would be best. I don’t think a cloth simulator based on spring mechanics will create convincing fluid dynamics in many situations.

I would love to be able to set keyframes for the settings such as stiffness, etc.

I’d definitely like to see a way to do this also, at some point, probably not in the early releases though. I don’t believe I can create arbitrary IPOs, at least ones users could easily interact with. One option I’m kicking around because of this would be to use animatable attributes of objects to provide for this.

For example, there is a wind vector supported by the algorithm. It would be possible to allow the user to connect the x/y/z values of the wind to the position of an empty. The user can animate the empty’s location to provide for a changing wind in the simulation. If empties were used, we’d have 9 variables per empty we could tie to parameters in the simulation. Manipulating these attributes on the empties, setting key frames and modifying the IPOs involved should be a fairly cheap way to provide this type of control over the parameters.

This would be a rather cheap to implement way of providing for key framing on the simulation parameters, albeit a bit of a hack. Later it would be possible to either integrate the simulator into blender and support this directly with IPOs and normal blender animation stuff or a more complete UI could be written in python to make it less obvious to the casual user how this is being done.

I’ve also considered the python properties used in games, but haven’t looked very far into them. I’m not sure there is much control a user can easily access on them.

Lots of work here, :). We’ll see how much I can get done. Right now I’m waiting to get the go ahead on some consulting contracts and have some time on my hands to play with this. I hope to get something out before I get buried in work.

Back into my hole, I didn’t see my shadow, :).

Like everyone else here I am very excited about the prospects of good cloth simulation in Blender! Features like this make Blender that much more appealing to a buzz word happy industry. Not that cloth sim is all buzz, I for one would really like to have it for my work. Having a very limited experience with any type of cloth simulation I would have to agree that simplicity should be the first and most important goal. As you stated, A user should be able build a garment for their character using whatever modeling techniques they want, place the garment on the character, pick the type of material, and the press a button to run the simulation. That’s how I’d want it to be… Thanks again for your effort.


Tomorrow (2003 Jan 28 ) during USA-Central time (GMT-6 I believe), I’ll be going through this thread and making the feature list. If you want to get your input in at this stage, you should do so soon.

As far as progress goes, since starting from scratch on Sunday, I’ve layed what I think is a pretty good foundation for the code. The only reference I’ve made to the old topixmodule was to copy a few of the python C api lines that I added to my version of that. So, this new implementation is as clean room as I can make it myself.

On that foundation, I’ve been able to get the beginnings of an implementation of the same algorithms used in the topix cloth simlaltor. I’m building the spring network and will soon be working on implementing the actual cloth simulation. I have provision to add collisions similar to that provided by the topixmodule, but collisions are completely unimplemented at this time.

There’s lots of work left. The UI will require significant changes and time because of the new structure. Finishing and testing the basic simulator (without collisions) could easily take a few days to a month. Adding similar provision for collisions as exist in the topixmodule will add to that time. The goal I’ve set for myself for the initial public release is to provide similar functionality to the topixmodule.

I’m making no predictions as to when I will be able to release, but will do so as soon as I can. To send shivers down your spine (if you’ve ever followed Duke Nuk’em Forever, presonally I’ve given up), I’m releasing when its done, :).

Zaz, what a project!

Well everyone else has added so many great suggestions already. But I will toss in a few. Now these may have already been covered in some way.

  • Collision detection controlled on a chosen axis direction, with height values, depth, pressure, etc.

-Wind collision parameters to simulate the effect of wind on a cloth surface, with wind direction, resistance and flow strength taken into account.

-Cloth affected at least by object based particles. And object based particle source object maintains its set cloth dynamic attributes when added as a particle effect.

-Stiffness base settings like paper, silk, terrycloth, rubber, plastic bag, tin can, foil, gooey, melt, etc.

  • The ability to add the cloth effect to a partial area like the front selected mesh of a car for a crumple effect.

-Maybe painted weights or selected face color can affect the strength of a cloth effect.

-Gravity controls that influence how the cloth behaves mid air, etc.

-The cloth object must be able to collide with itself and react to other cloth objects. And collision surfaces must respond correctly to the force of the collision with the cloth surface. Maybe this could be guided by a value slider.

I hope this makes sense for your project Zaz.

Blend on!

I just had an idea : cloth implementation could be useful to simulate long strands of hair but the strands should have to collide with several (more than 2) other cloth objects.


Zaz, what a project!

Yeah, tell me about it, :).

  • Collision detection controlled on a chosen axis direction, with height values, depth, pressure, etc.

Hmm, why would you want to limit collision detection to an axis ? Explain height values, depth, pressure, etc. in this context please.

The expectation for collision detection would be to provide for self collision detection of the cloth to stop it from tangling, possibly with some stuff I’ve seen from pixar on untangling cloth once it tangles. I forget who put the link up for this, but it is a good paper.

As far as colliding with objects, my target is similar to the direction I was taking the topix work. The user would choose objects that they want the simulator to consider for collision detection with the cloth and what type of collision detection to use for those objects. If a collision is detected, the basic physical properties of the cloth and the relative speeds would determine the results.

This is basically an optimization because in any given scene its unlikely that the cloth will ever have a chance to come into contact with all objects in the scene. If the user really desires to have those tests run at the expense of time, they can simply choose all objects and add them to the collision object list(s).

-Cloth affected at least by object based particles. And object based particle source object maintains its set cloth dynamic attributes when added as a particle effect.

I think I need more explaination of this one also. Are we talking blender particles, like halo stuff ? Give me an example of how this would be used please.

-Maybe painted weights or selected face color can affect the strength of a cloth effect.

I think I understand this, but an example of how this would be useful might help. The topix work, when I had released it supported the concept of tagged vertices which weren’t deformed by the cloth simulator. I’ve generalized this some in the version I’m working on and renamed it to pinned which I think is a more generally used and intuitive term.

I think the pinned feature takes care of your “partial area” request and maybe the one in the quote directly above. I’m not sure from how I read your descrpition that a feature for this is needed if you can pin all but an area you want affected and specify the attributes of a cloth, like its stiffness, density etc. How would a feature allowing the user to specify the strength of the affect different than just specifying the basic properties of the cloth ?

-The cloth object must be able to collide with itself and react to other cloth objects. And collision surfaces must respond correctly to the force of the collision with the cloth surface. Maybe this could be guided by a value slider.

Generally I agree with this request, however a few caveats. The topix version only supported one cloth object. The initial release of my new work will also probably only support one cloth object. I have made my data structures support as many cloth objects as you want, but there’s a huge difference between what the data structures support and what the implementation does, :). Most notably, its definitely going to be tricky and costly to get two cloth objects to collide. Not impossible, but not a feature that’s going to make it in early at least.

I’m speaking of this in the sense that the two cloth objects would react to each other. In the topix stuff now, you could actually have two cloth objects collide by running the simulation on one, then a second simulation on the other. However, the cloth you simulated first wouldn’t react like cloth to the collision with the second cloth. Its this interaction that will cause this to get expensive as once two cloth objects collide, you’ll have to basically rerun the simulation for that time step to cause the collision effects to propogate.

As far as affecting other non-cloth objects, that hasn’t been planned yet. To me,the basic reason I’ve never considered this is the negligible affect the cloth would have on most objects it collides with. It’s likely going to be very hard for me to knock you off your feet by throwing a towel at you, a dry towel at least. What kind of objects and situations do you envision that it would be desireable to have the cloth somehow alter an object’s physical properties by colliding with it ?


I just had an idea : cloth implementation could be useful to simulate long strands of hair but the strands should have to collide with several (more than 2) other cloth objects.

That’s my hope too, at least once the limitation of the Grid mesh is removed. It wouldn’t have all the features of a particle system, but you still might get some decent simulation of hair, fur, grass, etc. out of it.

The paper the topix cloth simulator is based on has this adjustment phase described in it. Basically it makes it so the cloth behaves more like cloth than rubber by putting a limit on how much the cloth can stretch. The stretching of the cloth is controlled by springs connecting the vertices, but the paper only deals with over stretching the springs.

I’ve got notes I made to myself about putting in a self correcting adjustment that would work with the compression of the springs. Think of it this way, when you crumple a cloth up, you’re compressing all these springs. The basic simulation doesn’t care about compression, so once compressed/crumpled, the cloth stays that way … like a piece of paper.

If it works, a big if, remember these are just thoughts I have, :), putting in a compression correction adjustment phase into the simulator should/might/could give the cloth a self correcting small force that would have it tend to uncrumple … more like real cloth.

Another big IF, in fact several big IFS. IF I get it to work with non-grid meshes, which I expect I will and definitely want to, you should be able to have it apply on grass. Apply a little wind and your grass waves in the wind. Have a character walk across it and it deforms where his feet touch it, i.e. footstep impressions in the grass. IF the compression correction I mention above works, slowly after your character walks away, the grass would tend to restore itself back into its original shape.

Hot and bothered yet ? I know I am, :).

Sorry, I shouldn’t tease everyone like that, myself included, ;). IF something like this ever works in the cloth simulator, it isn’t likely to happen soon. Remember, my target for release is to get something that replaces, probably with a few enhancements, the topix based implementation I worked on.

What happens after that depends on lots of things like my work schedule, my desire to keep burning lots of time on this, the participation of others, solving some technical problems, etc., etc.

As far as the topix based work goes, I haven’t heard back from topix and feel its unlikely I will. I’m working on another means of getting the work I did on the topix module released. I hope that that can happen soon, but no guarantees.

As far as my new implementation goes, the basic part of the simulation is coded, but not working. Not very unexpected with something like this. So, I’m into the fun work of debugging it. More research on collision algorithms is needed as I’m not sure I just want to stuff the same way the topix module did for several reasons. We’ll see what happens here. If the work required is high, I’ll probably default to performing self collision with spheres and similar object collision as I did in topix.

I won’t have time to make the feature list from this thread today, hopefully tomorrow.

Sorry for always writing tomes like this … its just the way I think, :).

Zaz if you get the skirt cloth to drape over my female characters hips and have it react to the motion of her walk I would be happy. Anything else is just icing on the cake. Hey isn’t it great to be creative? Anything is possible.

Be cool man. What am I saying? You are too cool!

Blend on.

  • Collision detection controlled on a chosen axis direction, with height values, depth, pressure, etc.

Hmm, why would you want to limit collision detection to an axis ? Explain height values, depth, pressure, etc. in this context please.

-I haven’t thought of all of the reasons. Maybe they are more aesthetic reasons than logical in which the artist has the ability to constrain the effect to an axis plane. Thus the artist can avoid any unnatural movements in other directions as one area the cloth object reacts to a collision with a rigid body object. Maybe this is more control than needed.

Ok, so not so much an issue of restricting the collision detection to an axis as one of putting some restriction on the collision reponse, i.e. the action of the cloth cause by colliding with something. I’ll have to think some of how that might work if that’s what you mean. Also, there’d have to be some definition of whose axis/coordinate system you mean to apply the restraint within, world, cloth object, other object, etc.

-In the case of object particles that have cloth properties. Say you have an animation that involves the wind blowing clothes off a clothesline sending the fabrics sailing away in the air. Now we are only really dealing with one cloth object that has been duplicated as a particle object. And any collision wind effect or rigid body objects that this object collides with will apply to all of the effects to the duplicated objects. What is applied to that one object will carry over to all the other cloth objects in the particle stream. The effects could also be more random for duplicated groups of one object maybe.

So by particles, you’re referring to objects that have been parented to another object with DupliVerts turned on ? Or is there another feature of blender besides halos and dupliverts that can do this ? I’m just trying to get this into blender terms right now, features it already supports.

In any regard, it might be possible to do something like this, but this also might better be solved by a true particle system. I think I know what you want, but am unsure how blender would support the basic part of it right now so that the cloth or particle simulator could then be applied to that. If its a completely new way of doing something in blender, obviously that’d have to be developed too, :).

  • I imagined objects like a rope wrapping around a bundle of cloth and the reaction by both of the cloth surfaces, etc. Maybe this is not necessary. As the rope unwraps the cloth the cloth shape relaxes as the rope tip falls to the floor.

Wow, that’d be nice to have something to do that. How about wrapping a belt tight on you character and having their waist react or any other number of things tough to get blender to do now. Heck, just good rope animation to tie your boat to the dock.

Zaz if you get the skirt cloth to drape over my female characters hips and have it react to the motion of her walk I would be happy.

Well if she has shapely hips, I’m all for making that happen and you have 100% of my support, :).

Anything else is just icing on the cake. Hey isn’t it great to be creative? Anything is possible.

Yeah, that’s always my attitude. Tell me it isn’t possible and I’ll try to find a way to make you a liar, :). Actually, I figure everything is possible, it just depends on how you define it and if you’re willing to pay the price (time, money, effort, etc.).

another idea - sorry if it has already been mentioned - but couldnt you do rigid body dynamics with the cloth engine, say if you’d have stiffness set to 100%? also, bounciness and viscosity would be great, so you could make stuff like silly putty or bouncy balls.

edit: perhaps this could be done if portions of the source code of, say, ODE (or some other rigid body system) would be implemented into topix (it is opensource, right?). just an idea.

You might get a little of that behavior with the simulator as it sits, although I expect it would be very limited. Compression isn’t considered, only extension of the springs, so binding up the cloth tight by setting the various parameters so the cloth is as stiff as possible probably won’t get you a bouncing ball, but maybe a pretty in-elasctic collision.

Viscosity is part of the base simulator, although I haven’t played with that parameter very much, the expectation is that the cloth should be able to look like its underwater, in the air, etc.

Doing rigid body dynamics or particles would probably be handled by a different type of system than this thing starting out as a cloth simulator. I will be exploring ways to change the basic algorithm that can hopefully be exposed to the users. Maybe some of these changes can get to the point that they provide the type of behavior you describe.

edit: perhaps this could be done if portions of the source code of, say, ODE (or some other rigid body system) would be implemented into topix (it is opensource, right?). just an idea.

Yeah, in the back of my mind, I keep thinking about how one might leverage all this stuff together. In the short term having this cloth simulator function as a separate utility will be a good way to prove it works, see how it can be used and get the initial development off the ground. In the long term, I’d really like to see tighter integration with blender and other parts of blender.

Having some sort of way to define a world, possibly even world areas (on the ground, under water, in a vat of oil, etc.) and letting the ODE or SOLID libraries handle many of the basic physics with say a cloth simulator and a particle simulator able to work within that framework. It’d make for a much more natural way to define the environment of your scene, than running separate utilities, some with the same or similar parameters and all providing some basic physics. Some of these definitinos might even cause the rendering pipe line to change some, say if you could define the medium of the scene (water, air and oil all do different things to light).

Of course, anything like that is many steps away and I don’t even have a good idea where it might fit in blender from a UI/interface position or from a coding position.

Just a quick notice … no I didn’t die, nor has the project, :).

I’ve been out of town on work on very short notice, but am back and should have some time over the next few days to get back on this. Prior to being out of town, I spent my last few days working on getting a releasable version of the topix cloth module ready. With luck, we should see that released soon, although I don’t know exactly when.

My work on the new system is pretty much where it was before. The provot algorithm is completely implemented, but buggy. I’m working the bugs out of that and while I do that am looking to see what type of collision detection, both self and other objects, I want to include. No estimate at all on when this will be released, its really just too early in the project to say. I want the first release to have at least simlar funcitonality to the topix based simulator and if that gets out, I may spend some time to get some more features into my implementation before I release it.

as everyone will offer… if you need someone for alfatesting… me :wink:

I really like the work you do… I just watched the intro scene of “spellforce”. I really think this would be possible with blender, if it had clothsim (and hair :wink: ).


Zaz if you get the skirt cloth to drape over my female characters hips and have it react to the motion of her walk I would be happy.

What he said. And if you get her skirt to flare and rise when she twirls I’ll be ecstatic.

Am I correct in thinking the cloth object will have elasticity, or “strechiness”? Can it be “pinned” to another object, or even individual vertices to vertices on another object? If so I could use it to make skin :o I’ve got an idea (famous last words) for a way to make a muscle system in Blender. It’s complicated, lots of empties and constraints. If I figure it out I’ll post a tute. I’ve been wondering how I’d make a skin once I get the muscles and tendons, this may be the answer :smiley:

I’m going to DL topix now, Get an idea of what you’re doing. Sounds great

Thanks for the effort!!


hey zaz, I don’t know if this is self-evident or not, but having your plugin be opensource would be great!
Also, is there any alpha/beta version yet? I don’t understand how to load the topix module in blender :frowning: I want to use it for the sails of my sailboat (check my website if you have the time…) Also, would it work for strings or ropes?
'cuz that would be perfect for my sailboat: I could add all the rigging of the mast and sails in it with it, and actually have them move around…
Let me know when you wanna give your code a shot. I have backups of my file anyways… Thanks for taking the time to ask and code for us! I wish I could code, but even if I could, I don’t really have the time…

It is going to be covered under GPL, maybe under GPL/BF, so in any event it will be opensource. I’m just not sure of the implications of the GPL/BF license yet, but am leaning towards that route.

Also, is there any alpha/beta version yet? I don’t understand how to load the topix module in blender :frowning: I want to use it for the sails of my sailboat (check my website if you have the time…)

Nothing is ready for release on my new simulator yet. My work schedule has finally started to clear, but when I thought I was going to get back to work on it, my dad went into the hospital. That has taken up quite a bit of time since the hospital is 2 hours away. Nothing life threatening and he is on his way to recovery, but family comes first and I’ll need to spend some more time getting him back into his home and further on his way to recovery before I can really get back on my simulator.

As far as you’re not being able to use the current topix simulator, ack, the new one works basically the same way, so that won’t help you, :). Two things must happen for it to work. First, you need to get the .dll (if you’re under windows) or the .so (if you’re using linux) into the proper place for blender and python to find it. There are some instructions on Tatsuya’s web page that describe this process. It does vary some from one system to another though depending on how you’ve set everything up. There are also discussions on this in this forum that a good search or two should find. In any event, for someone to help you with this, they’d need more information to offer concrete comments on what might be wrong with your setup.

After you have the module in place (the .dll/.so file), then you need to load the file into the .blend file in which you want to use it. You may need to save the file that is in the cloth2.blend file you downloaded. Just go to the Text Editor window in blender and do File->Save As and save it some place convenient to load in your other .blend file.

The best thing for you to do I think would be to determine if you have the module (.dll/.so file) in the right place. If you think you do, then load the cloth2.blend file and try to get the simulation to work in that file. There are quite a few instructions in that file on the screens involved (CTRL-LeftArrow and CTRL-RightArrow to see the different screens). If you get it working there, then you just need to save the file from that .blend file so you can load it into your .blend file with the sails in it.

BTW, if you didn’t know, once you have the file loaded in a Text Editor window (SHIFT-F11 in one of your blender windows) in blender, you need to press ALT-PKEY to run the python script.

Also, would it work for strings or ropes?

I’m not sure how you’d get good results for rope with it now, although you likely could. The biggest problem for the ropes would be the restriction to using only a grid mesh. The grid mesh restriction should be ok for the sails, although you might need to assign a transparent material to part of the mesh if you want other than rectangular sails.

A few weeks ago, last time I had time to do a little blending, I was playing with a tube and an armature to simulate rope. I made a tube and then extruded it about 10 times to have a tube with about 10 segments in it. I then made an armature and put a bone in each segment. I added a null bone at the end and a copy location constraint to that null bone and then added an IK solver constraint to the last bone in the chain. It was a lot more effective than I expected it to be, although it did have a few problems. I think you might be able to do a better job with a similar setup right now that you would with the topix cloth module or my replacement. Later, I definitely would like to see some support for ropes, maybe even chains, in the simulator, but that isn’t in it right now.

Let me know when you wanna give your code a shot. I have backups of my file anyways…

It’ll be a bit again. I expect this week and some of next are going to be busy with getting my dad back into his house. At that point I should be have the time to get back on this project. Do try to get the topix cloth working for yourself though as if nothing else that’ll make it easier for you to get my new stuff working if you choose to use it. Also, the new simulator will have very similar functionality to the topix simulator, at least when its first released. The biggest change will be the change to a clearly unburdened GPLed license model. Its the subsequent releases that will have significantly more functionality.

Thanks for taking the time to ask and code for us! I wish I could code, but even if I could, I don’t really have the time…

You’re welcome, I appreciate the gratitude and the input. I hope you can get the topix module working for yourself. If you’re still having trouble, feel free to post, but it might take me awhile before I can reply because of my schedule or lack of Internet (when I’m at my dad’s home) over the next week or two.

well, after following your indications I’ve been able to load the actual GUI of Topix, but it crashes when I press the “Run simulator” button…
I’m using a grid from which I deleted half the vertices… and I cleared all the previous vertex keys… I don’t know what’s going on… I give up and wait until something better comes up…

I’m glad I found this thread when I did. I’d like to throw in my two cents as well. I didn’t want to repeat anything that’s allready been said, so I read this entire thread, but it’s possible I forgot something I read. So I appologize if I repeat something (and if I make anymore terrible ryhmes).

Personally, I think cloth simulation is most useful for dressing characters, and that’s what I’d like to use it for. I think that you could maybe optimize your program for sections of cloths such as sleeves. If not optimize, I think that it will at least be helpful to your program if the user specifies sections such as the sleeves (particularly long sleeves). It would also be kinda nice to use the simulator to add wrinkles to cloths like maybe pants, that would need to have some random realistic folds in them, but maybe don’t need to go through the simulation on every frame. It will also be good to have a way to create stiff sections of a piece of clothing, such as the colar of a nice dress shirt. The program will need to have some regaurd for the cloths original shape. Otherwise, sections, such as a colar, would either become limp and not be like a real shirt at all, or straighten out and become stiff without holding it’s original folds.

Here’s some ideas you would probably want to save for a later release:

A zipper is a useful thing to have, and incorporating a way to create this effect would be super. First off, don’t worry about splitting the mesh with your program, that’s something the modeler should have planned for. A zipper track could be any row of existing edges. I suppose you would need to have an associated zipper object, and it would be good if it could be any 3d blender object. That way, an empty could be used, and the zipper feature could be used to create a cutting/tearing effect. If the zipper opened at both ends, like a jacket, then the bottom end would imediatly jump to the zipper when it started moving up (connecting the two sides). Leave it to that animator to get the character to put the jacket together at the bottom before zipping it up. Having a real world object for the zipper is good because it could be used to constrain an object to it, like the hanging tab that zippers have on them, or constrain the zipper to another object, such as a hand, or a knife blade if you’re creating a cutting effect. Buttons would also be nice, but a similier idea. Also, a way animate things grabbing the cloth. Once you go open source though, people should start helping you develop these things.

Cloth simulation is one of those things that, when you need it, you reeaaallly need it. Consider a character like Doc Ock. He wore a long over coat, so the animators had to reproduce that for some scenes. It wasn’t too terribly complicated or fancy, but the character just HAD to have that. I don’t know of any work-around for something like that. That’s why this is so great that you are doing this. I know it’s been said, but I’ll say it again, what you are doing is truly, truly great. This one thing will make so many other things possible for so many people. Me included :slight_smile: Thank you.

zaz, on a personal note, I think I speek for everyone when I say, we’re all sorry to hear about your dad, and glad that he is going to be okay. I’m sure everyone here wishes him a speedy recovery.

Well, I am exhausted, and I can’t believe some of the typos I made while trying to write this. I appologize for any wierd mistakes I missed, or wierd things I said. (I’ll just edit them out later :wink: )