Ok guy’s I was thinking, maybe we need a section for religion and politics.
I know that some of you mods may say as you have in the past that it has nothing to do with a graphics artist thread, but it is as relivent as THIS topic, the “Off Topic” part of the forum.
I really do believe that it is completely feisable to have a civil Religion and a civil Politics Section in this forum. So to be honest with you, it’s very rare that anything in the Off Topic section has anything to do with CG or Blender, yet it still exists.
Maybe these two new threads would attract more people to Blender and this forum if we can prove ourselves as handleing things in a civil matter.
I honestly believe that we GA’s are the future of the internet and we have even been called the “new oil” meaning what we produce is becoming more valuebale and is more required/requested of than oil, once alternative fuels take over WE will be in the spotlight of industry more than ever before.
jackblack, as religious and patriotic a guy as I am, I seriously doubt that the mods would seriously consider something like this. For one, there are very few people in this world capable of carrying a discussion about religion and politics without eventually going overboard and pushing their opinions into other people’s faces. It would be a hassle for every mod and administrator on this forum. Second, all it would end up being is a section where a single religious/political group joins up and praises their beliefs, only to endure endless hordes of noobs on this forum who will think it funny to attack said section.
Don’t take me wrong, I’d LOVE to have a place where we could carry on a civilized discussion about what I believe to be the two most interesting topics in this world, but it just isn’t going to happen.
Yeah, no matter how hard you try, religion and politics is just flame war fodder. Lots of otherwise friendly people could end up offended and with hurt feelings, and it’s just a bad idea unless the forum is devoted to those two topics.
It’s not feasible. I would think you off all people would understand that given your past involvment in threads that prove this point.
For example: that biocomputer thread I started. It was a thread about science, and it was a good thread for about a page or so, but then that religius fanatic came in and tried to have everyone admit that science has to acknowledge his “spiritual beliefs” as being “equally” probable (in a scientifc sence no less) when compared to a scientific theory.
Heh, I mean either way you slice it, it just doesn’t work out.
In order to preserve order and respectability here, no.
Besides, why debating over such things when you know everyone will stick to their own view and only flames will come out of it anyway?
This OT board has degenerated more or less into nothing without them, but with the new crowd of teenagers we’ve gotten, it’s just not possible.
I mean, look at the threads. This is mainly a tech help forum / post some 3 year old funny video forum.
I agree with most here, I don’t think having a religion/politics section would be beneficial to the community. It would probably create more chaos, adding to the negativity in the atmosphere. One or two threads from time to time where people can be civil is okay, but an entire section devoted to it?
You’re never going to maintain civility when people are dealing what they believe to be the Truth; That their world-view is the “correct” one. There will never be a true conversation when people are talking at, or down on other people. All political and religious discussions should be held in political and religious arenas, not artist forums.
Well true I guess, I was hoping that maybe we could rise above the nonsense and actually learn what each side thinks. Maybe try to come to a better understanding of each other and benifit from such a thing, but if you guys say it’s not possible then who am I to disagree? More than likely you guys are right.
The Navy rule is “Don’t discuss religion, politics or other men’s wives.” It’s a good rule, time tested and all. Been a rule for longer than there’s been an internet. The mods are right.
Take advice from those with high post counts. Haha
I don’t think it’s a good idea, it would start too many arguments. And arguing over the internet is like running in the special olympics; even if you win, you’re still retarded.
And people might get pissed off at me because 'retarded isn’t politically correct.
It won’t work. Too many people enjoy rubbing their opinions in the face of others. Isn’t it great how everyone that disagrees with a religion automatically has to tell you that you’re an idiot? :no:
It’s a nice thought, but there’s too many trolls to make a worthwhile discussion about anything.